IAPR Fellows for 2016

Mohammad Showkat-Ul Alam
“For contributions to the advancement and development of architectures, algorithms, and performance metrics for optical pattern recognition and high resolution image reconstruction”

Richard Bowden
“For contributions to computer vision in the fields of Sign Language, Gesture and Activity Recognition and service to IAPR”

Alberto Broggi
“For contributions in the field of Computer Vision-based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving”

Xilin Chen
“For contributions to image modeling and object recognition”

Mohamed Cheriet
“For contributions to Ancient Manuscript Processing, Form Construction, Handwriting Recognition, Multidisciplinary Application, and service to IAPR”

Aly A Farag
“For contributions to object modeling and biomedical applications”

Yun Fu
“For contributions to pattern recognition, data mining and visual intelligence”

Anders Lars-Gunnar Heyden
“For contributions to multiple view geometry and auto-calibration and for service to IAPR”

Gang Hua
“For contributions to visual computing and learning from unconstrained images and videos”

C. V. Jawahar
“For contributions to computer vision, pattern recognition and document image understanding”

Kenichi Kanatani
“For contributions to 3D computer vision analysis and computation”

Ajay Kumar
“For contributions to human identification using biometrics”

Zhouchen Lin
“For contributions to image processing, computer vision and machine learning”

Derong Liu
“For contributions to neural networks and associative memories”

Tao Mei
“For contributions to large-scale video analysis, understanding and applications”

Sushmita Mitra
“For contributions to neuro-fuzzy and hybrid approaches to pattern recognition and machine intelligence, with applications to bioinformatics and medical imaging”

Maja Pantic
“For contributions to affective and behavioural computing”

Petia Radeva
“For contributions to computer vision, machine learning, egocentric vision, life-logging and medical imaging”

Amit K Roy-Chowdhury
“For contributions to collaborative sensing and distributed processing in camera networks with applications in tracking, re-identification and activity recognition”

Punam Kumar Saha
“For contributions to digital topology and geometry and their application”

Stan Sclaroff
“For contributions in tracking, human gesture analysis, shape recognition, and video databases”

Zhenan Sun
“For contributions to automatic iris recognition and applications”

Emanuele Trucco
“For contributions to computer vision and applications”

René Vidal
“For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition”

Dong Xu
“For contributions to machine learning for visual recognition and domain adaption”

Jian Yang
“For contributions to 2D image representation and discriminant analysis”

Naokazu Yokoya
“For contributions to image processing, computer vision, and mixed and augmented reality”

Jie Zhou
“For contributions to biometrics, computer vision and image processing”

New IAPR Executive Committee 2016-2018

The 2014-2016 term of the IAPR Executive Committee (ExCo) as well as that of the standing committees and of the leadership of technical committees (TCs) ended with the biennial Governing Board (GB) meeting during ICPR 2016 in Cancun, Mexico.

The IAPR GB elected new ExCo officers for the 2016-2018 term who have now taken office and started work on the association’s plans for the new term. One of the ExCo’s very first tasks is the appointment of standing committees and TC Chairs.

The 2016-2018 ExCo members elected are as follows:

President: Simone Marinai (Italy) simone.marinai@unifi.it
st Vice-President: Massimo Tistarelli (Italy) tista@uniss.it
nd Vice-President: Edwin Hancock (UK) edwin.hancock@york.ac.uk
Alexandra Branzan-Albu (Canada) aalbu@uvic.ca
Apostolos Antonocopoulos (UK) a.antonacopoulos@primaresearch.org

Ingela Nyström (Sweden) ingela.nystrom@it.uu.se , the 2014-2016 President, assumes the ex officio post of Past President, completing the ExCo.

Location selected for ICPR 2020

The IAPR Governing Board (GB), at its biennial meeting during ICPR 2016, examined and discussed five high-quality proposals for hosting ICPR 2020. The result of the GB vote was that Milan, Italy will be the location of ICPR in four years’ time (following ICPR 2018 in Beijing, China). The ICPR 2020 General Chairs are Rita Cucchiara (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy) and Alberto Del Bimbo (University of Firenze, Italy).

New IAPR Organizations

The IAPR welcomes two new organizations, the Vietnam Association for Pattern Recognition (VAPR) and the Pakistani Pattern Recognition Society (PPRS).

Membership of these societies was approved on December 6, 2016, at the Governing Board meeting held in Cancun in conjunction with ICPR 2016.

14th Int.l Summer School on Biometrics

14th IAPR/IEEE Int.l Summer School for
Advanced Studies on Biometrics for Secure Authentication

Biometrics for Personalization and Forensic Identification

Endorsed by the IAPR Technical Committee on Biometrics TC-4

Alghero, Italy – June 12-16 2017

Website: http://biometrics.uniss.it
Contact: tista@uniss.it

From the early days, when security was the driving force behind biometric research, today’s challenges go far
beyond security. Other applications, such as personalization of services, mobile computing and criminal
investigations, are among the most promising applications. Machine learning, Image understanding, Signal
analysis, Neuroscience, Forensic science, Digital forensics and other disciplines, converged in a truly
multidisciplinary effort to devise and build advanced systems to facilitate the interpretation of signals recorded
from individuals acting in a given environment. This is what we simply call today “Biometrics”.

For the last fourteen years, the International Summer School on Biometrics has been closely following
the developments in science and technology to offer a cutting edge, intensive training course, always up to
date with the current state-of-the-art.

For more information please see the Summer School on Biometrics 2017 Announcement.

Maria Petrou Prize 2016 Awarded

It is our pleasure to announce that the recipient of the Maria Petrou Prize 2016 is Professor Michal Irani, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

The citation for the prize is:

“For pioneering contributions to space-time video analysis, motion estimation and image analysis by composition, and as a role model for early career researchers striving for excellence and rigour in the fields of computer vision and pattern recognition.”

Professor Irani will receive the prize at the ICPR 2016 that will take place in Cancun, Mexico on December 4-8, 2016. The prize ceremony and lecture will be presented during ICPR 2016.

Congratulations to Professor Irani on this achievement.

Ingela Nyström
IAPR President

J. K. Aggarwal Prize 2016 Awarded

It is our pleasure to announce that the recipient of the J. K. Aggarwal Prize 2016 is Professor Fei Fei Li, Stanford University, USA

The citation for the prize is:

“For seminal contributions to object and event classification using learning methodologies based on statistical and neuroscience principles.”

Professor Li will receive the prize at the ICPR 2016 that will take place in Cancun, Mexico on December 4-8, 2016. The prize ceremony and lecture will be presented during ICPR 2016.

Congratulations to Professor Li on this achievement.

Ingela Nyström
IAPR President

King-Sun Fu Prize 2016 Awarded

It is our pleasure to announce that the recipient of the King-Sun Fu Prize 2016 is Professor Robert Haralick, City University of New York (CUNY), USA

The citation for the prize is:

“For contributions in image analysis including remote sensing, texture analysis, mathematical morphology, consistent labeling, and system performance evaluation.”

Professor Haralick will receive the prize at the ICPR 2016 that will take place in Cancun, Mexico on December 4-8, 2016. The prize ceremony and lecture will be presented during ICPR 2016.

Congratulations to Professor Haralick on this achievement.

Ingela Nyström
IAPR President