Coffee Break for Women at ICPR

NEW AT ICPR 2016: Coffee Break for Women at ICPR, Tuesday, December 6 at 10:00 am

Let’s talk! There is a steadily growing number of female researchers in our field who have much to learn from each other.

The first ever Coffee Break for Women at ICPR will follow the Maria Petrou Prize lecture on Tuesday, December 6, at 10:00 am. Please come and meet colleagues from around the world, make new friends, and share your personal stories about women working in various fields of pattern recognition.

The IAPR Executive Committee hopes that this event will foster new connections! All female attendees at ICPR, graduate students as well as and junior and senior researchers, are invited.

-The IAPR Executive Committee

IAPR Supports Academics in Turkey

The International Association for Pattern Recognition supports our academic community in Turkey

After the attempted coup in Turkey earlier in July, the Turkish government has taken measures that have restricted researchers’ and teachers’ freedom of expression and thereby academic freedom in the country. A significant number of academics has been dismissed or suspended from their duties.

Freedom of expression and academic freedom are fundamental rights. Respecting these rights is important not only for the quality of academic research and higher education, but also for the well-functioning of the society at large. Therefore, the measures and restrictions directed at academics and researchers in Turkey are worrisome. Both the European University Association (EUA) and the organization Scholars at Risk have already espressed their support for the academic community in Turkey.

On behalf of the IAPR Executive Committee, I share this statement with the IAPR community. We express concern and urge a prompt resolution. We also affirm our strong support for our Turkish colleagues, researchers and academics. At the same time, we welcome the decision by the Turkish authorities to allow academics to travel and to attend conferences, such as the upcoming International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) in Cancun on December 4—8, 2016.

Uppsala July 29, 2016


Ingela Nyström
President of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR)


Response from the Council of Higher Education

EUA statement condemning the forced resignation of 1577 university deans

SAR urges expression of support for Turkey’s threatened higher education sector

Int’l Computer Vision Summer School 2016

Computer vision is the science and technology of making machines that see. It is concerned with the theory, design and implementation of algorithms that can automatically process visual data to recognize objects, track and recover their shape and spatial layout.

The tenth edition of the International Computer Vision Summer School aims to provide both an objective and clear overview and an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art research in Computer Vision. The last decade has seen a revolution in the theory and application of computer vision and machine learning. In this special edition we look at the future: what will happen next?

The courses will be delivered by world renowned experts in the field, from both academia and industry, and will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of real Computer Vision problems as well as examples of their successful commercialisation.

The school aims to provide a stimulating opportunity for young researchers and Ph.D. students. The participants will benefit from direct interaction and discussions with world leaders in Computer Vision. Participants will also have the possibility to present the results of their research, and to interact with their scientific peers, in a friendly and constructive environment.

For more information please visit the ICVSS 2016 web site.