ICPR 2016 Announcement

The 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition will be held in Cancun, Mexico, December 2016, hosted by the Mexican Association for Computer Vision, Neurocomputing and Robotics (MACVNR).

ICPR will be an international forum for discussions on recent advances in the fields of Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning and Computer Vision, and on applications of these technologies in various fields.

Please visit: www.icpr2016.org

New IAPR Organizations

The IAPR welcomes two new organizations, the Malaysian Image Analysis and Machine Intelligence Association (MIAMI) and the Association of Sustainable Innovation in Tunisia (SIT).

Membership of these societies was approved on August 26, 2014, at the Governing Board meeting held in Stockholm in conjunction with ICPR 2014.

Location selected for ICPR 2018

The IAPR Governing Board (GB), at its biennial meeting during ICPR 2014, examined and discussed two high-quality proposals for hosting ICPR 2018. The result of the GB vote was that Beijing, China will be the location of ICPR in four years’ time (following ICPR 2016 in Cancun, Mexico). The ICPR 2018 General Chair is Tieniu Tan, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

IAPR Fellows for 2014

Santanu Chaudhury
“For contributions to the field of image analysis and recognition”

David Doermann
“For contributions to the field of document image analysis and recognition and service to theIAPR”

Mohamed Doudi
“For contributions to 3D shape analysis and retrieval and related applications”

Marco Gori
“For contributions to neural networks and machine learning models for pattern recognition”

Xiaofei He
“For contributions to pattern recognition and manifold learning”

DeShuang Huang
“For contributions to neural networks and biological data processing”

Umapada Pal
“For contributions to Indian multi‐script document processing, handwriting recognition andservice to IAPR”

Sharathchandra Pankanti
“For contributions to application of computer vision and pattern recognition technologies to
video analytics, public safety and security”

Andrea Prati
“For contributions to low‐ and high‐level algorithms for video surveillance”

Anuj Srivastava
“For contributions to statistical techniques on nonlinear manifolds for applications in patternrecognition, and shape analysis of curves and surfaces.”

Jie Tian
“For contributions to fingerprint recognition and medical imaging”

Matthew Turk
“For contributions to computer vision and vision‐based interaction”

Liang Wang
“For contributions to video understanding and pattern recognition”

Changsheng Xu
“For contributions to multimedia content analysis”

Shuicheng Yan
“For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition”

New IAPR Executive Committee 2014-2016

The 2012-2014 term of the IAPR Executive Committee (ExCo) as well as that of the standing committees and of the leadership of technical committees (TCs) ended with the biennial Governing Board (GB) meeting during ICPR 2014 in Stockholm, Sweden.

The IAPR GB elected new ExCo officers for the 2014-2016 term who have now taken office and started work on the association’s plans for the new term. One of the ExCo’s very first tasks is the appointment of standing committees and TC Chairs.

The 2014-2016 ExCo members elected are as follows:

President: Ingela Nyström (Sweden) ingela.nystrom@it.uu.se
1st Vice-President: Massimo Tistarelli (Italy) tista@uniss.it
2nd Vice-President: Simone Marinai (Italy) simone@dsi.unifi.it
Secretary: Alexandra Branzan-Albu (Canada) aalbu@uvic.ca
Treasurer: Apostolos Antonocopoulos (UK) a.antonacopoulos@primaresearch.org

Kim L. Boyer (USA) kim@ecse.rpi.edu , the 2012-2014 President, assumes the ex officio post of Past President, completing the ExCo.