April 2023 Newsletter

Dear IAPR Community Members,

The April 2023 Issue of the IAPR Newsletter is now available:

Download the PDF File

In this issue you will find:

  • Calls from the IAPR Education Committee, Industrial Liaison Committee, and ExCo
  • Open Calls for IAPR Prizes to be Awarded at ICPR 2024
  • Calls for Special Issues from Pattern Recognition Letters
  • Reflections by Professor Massimo Tistarelli, who received the IEEE Biometrics Council Meritorious Service Award, on 20 Years of International Biometrics Summer School
  • Interview with an early career researcher: Josselin Lefèvre, Best Student Paper Award winner at DGMM 2022
  • News from the IAPR Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
  • News from the ExCo and details about IAPR Research Scholarships program
  • ICPR 2024 Preliminary Call for Papers
  • IAPR Technical Committee (TC) News: TC3, TC4, TC6, TC7, TC11, TC12 and TC19
  • Meeting Reports from conferences: IJCB 2022 and ANNPR 2022
  • Report from Winter School on Biometrics 2023 and Student Reports.
  • Bulletin Board
  • Meeting and Education Planner

Enjoy your reading,

Heydi Méndez Vázquez
IAPR Newsletter Editor

January 2023 Newsletter

Dear IAPR Community Members,

The January 2023 Issue of the IAPR Newsletter is now available at:

Download the PDF File

In this issue you will find:

  • Calls from the IAPR Education Committee, Industrial Liaison Committee, and ExCo
  • ICPR 2024 Preliminary Call for Papers
  • Open Calls for IAPR Prizes to be Awarded at ICPR 2024
  • News from the ExCo and more details about IAPR Prizes
  • Interviews with early and later career researchers:
    • Ajmal Mian, IAPR Fellow
    • Leandro José Rodriguez-Hernandez, Best Student Paper Award winner at MCPR 2022
  • A column in Memoriam to Prof. R. L. Kashyap
  • A new column from the IAPR Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
  • IAPR Technical Committee (TC) News:TC1, TC3, TC4, TC6, TC10, TC12, TC15 and TC18
  • Meeting Reports from different conferences: DAS 2022, ICPRS 2022, MCPR 2022, CVMI 2022, CVIP 2022, ICCPR 2022 and IVCNZ 2022
  • Bulletin Board
  • Meeting and Education Planner

Enjoy your reading,

Heydi Méndez Vázquez
IAPR Newsletter Editor

October 2022 Newsletter

Greetings from the staff of the IAPR Newsletter!

The October 2022 Issue of the IAPR Newsletter is now available at: 

Download the PDF File


  • From the President’s Desk:  Comments from Arjan Kuijper, IAPR President 2022-24
  • Getting to Know…Sergio Escalera, IAPR Fellow
  • IAPR…The Next Generation:  Pritish Sahu, winner of the 2022 Best Student Paper Award at ICPR 2022
  • INSIDE the IAPR:  The IAPR Welcomes the Colombian Association of Pattern Recognition (ACORP)
  • *NEW* ICPR 2024 Preliminary Call for Papers
  • ICPR 2022 Highlights
  • ICPR 2022 Co-located Workshop Reports:  S+SSPR 2022


  • Calls from the IAPR Education Committee, Industrial Liaison Committee, and ExCo
  • *NEW* First Open Call for Nominations for the K. S. Fu, J. K. Aggarwal, and Maria Petrou
  • Prizes to be given at ICPR 2024 in Kolkata, India
  • IAPR Technical Committee (TC) News:  TC20
  • Bulletin Board
  • Meeting and Education Planner

Wishing you all happy reading!

Stay safe,

Jing Dong
IAPR Newsletter Editor
Ph.D., Full Professor, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

July 2022 Newsletter

Greetings from the staff of the IAPR Newsletter!

The July 2022 Issue of the IAPR Newsletter is now available at:

Download the PDF File


  • From the Editor’s Desk: Call for articles related to “Pattern Recognition for Humanitarian Purposes”
  • Getting to Know…Adam Krzyżak, IAPR Fellow, “My adventure with statistical pattern recognition”
  • IAPR…The Next Generation: Diego Rodriguez, winner of the 2022 Best Poster Award at VISAPP 2022
  • The IAPR ExCo on Reforming Technical Committee 20 (formerly named Bioinformatics)
  • See you @ ICPR 2022 in Montréal!
  • IAPR Technical Committee Workshops @ ICPR 2022


  • Calls from the IAPR Education Committee, Industrial Liaison Committee, and ExCo
  • News from the IAPR Executive Committee (ExCo)
  • IAPR Technical Committee (TC) News: TC1, TC3, TC4, TC7, TC12 and TC15
  • Meeting Reports: ICPRAM 2022, VISAPP 2022, ICPRAI 2021, IGS 2021 and IbPRIA 2022
  • Bulletin Board
  • Meeting and Education Planner

Wishing you all happy reading!

Stay safe,
Jing Dong
IAPR Newsletter Editor
Ph.D., Full Professor, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

April 2022 Newsletter

The April 2022 Issue of the IAPR Newsletter is now available:

April 2022 Newsletter (pdf)

IN THIS ISSUE you will find:

• From the Editor’s Desk:  Add your voice to theirs, Gender Visibility in the Pattern Recognition Community, a collection of Her Stories
• Calls from the IAPR Education Committee, Industrial Liaison Committee, and ExCo
• IAPR…The Next Generation: Vishal M. Patel, winner of the 2021 Young Biometrics Investigator Award at IJCB 2021
• From the ExCo: News plus Gender Visibility in the Pattern Recognition Community, Part 2
• In Memoriam: Sargur N. Srihari
• ICPR 2022 Registration, Workshops, and Challenges
• IAPR Technical Committee (TC) News:  TC1, TC4, TC5, TC6, TC7, TC12, TC18 and TC19
• Meeting Reports: CIARP Porto, ACPR 2021, DICTA 2021, CVIP 2021, WSB 2022, and ISPR 2022
• Bulletin Board: Pattern Recognition Letters Special Issues
• Meeting and Education Planner

Wishing you all happy reading!

Stay safe,
Jing Dong
IAPR Newsletter Editor
Associate Professor, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

IAPR Prizes and Awards 2022

Biennially, at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, the IAPR awards three prestigious prizes and names its Fellows.

ICPR 2022 will take place August 21-25, 2022 in Montréal, Québec, Canada. 

The IAPR encourages geographic, ethnic, and gender diversity in nominations for its prizes and awards.

Calls for Nominations have been posted at the IAPR website for:

  • The King-Sun Fu Prize, given in recognition of an outstanding technical contribution to the field of Pattern Recognition. Deadlines:  April 2, 2022 (nomination); April 4, 2022 (endorsements)
  • The J. K. Aggarwal Prize, given to a young scientist (under 40 at the nominations deadline) who has brought substantial contribution to a field relevant to the IAPR community and whose research work has had a major impact on the field. Deadline:  May 1, 2022 (all forms)
  • The Maria Petrou Prize, given to a female scientist/engineer who has made substantial contributions to the field of Pattern Recognition (or a closely related field) and who may be regarded as a model to aspiring and established researchers. Deadline:  May 1, 2022 (all forms)
  • The IAPR Fellow Award, conferreed on persons to acknowledge their distinguished contributions to the field of Pattern Recognition and to IAPR activities. Deadline:  January 31, 2022 (all forms)

January 2022 Newsletter

The January 2022 Issue of the IAPR Newsletter is now available at:  

Download the PDF File

IN THIS ISSUE you will find:

— “Going against the main stream:  turning penny stocks into blue chips” by   Masaki Nakagawa, recipient of the 2021 ICDAR Outstanding Achievements Award
— Calls from the IAPR Education Committee, Industrial Liaison Committee, and ExCo
— Calls for Nominations for Awards to be presented at ICPR 2022
— Call for Bids to Host ICPR 2026!
— IAPR…The Next Generation:  Alexander Mattick
— From the ExCo:  News plus Encouraging diversity in Summer/Winter Schools and IAPR Prizes and Awards
— In Memoriam:  Michael Duff
— ICPR 2022 Call for Papers, Workshops, Tutorials and Challenges
— IAPR Technical Committee (TC) News:  TC4, TC9, TC12, TC18 and TC19 
— Meeting Reports, ICDAR 2021 Section:  ICDAR 2021, Awards, and Workshops
— Meeting Reports:  PRIP 2021 and IWAIPR 2021
— Bulletin Board
— Meeting and Education Planner

Wishing you all happy reading!

Stay safe,
Jing Dong
IAPR Newsletter Editor
Associate Professor, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Call for Nominations for IAPR Fellows

Deadline for Submission of Nomination and Endorsement Forms is January 31, 2022.

We welcome nominations for IAPR Fellowship (FIAPR). In particular, the IAPR would like to see nominations from a broader geographical region and from under-represented ethnicities and genders.

Information about eligibility and details on how to submit a nomination can be found here: 

Call for Nominations for IAPR Fellows

The IAPR appreciates your efforts to support its fellowship program!

The IAPR Fellow Committee:
  Massimo Tistarelli,  Chair
  Rita Cucchiara
  Sven Dickinson
  Stan Z. Li
  Umapada Pal
  Rene Vidal
  Josiane Zerubia