A special edition of Pattern Recognition Letters, titled “Celebrating the life and work of Maria Petrou”, is now available online via the following link:
Protected: 2014 Stockholm Meeting
J. K. Aggarwal Prize Awarded to Arun Ross
It is our pleasure to announce that the recipient of the J. K. Aggarwal Prize 2014 is Associate Professor Arun Ross, Michigan State University, USA
The citation for the prize is:
“For contributions that advance the state of art in biometric technologies and extend biometric infrastructure.”
Professor Ross will receive his prize at the ICPR 2014 that will take place in Stockholm on August 25-28, 2014. The J. K. Aggarwal ceremony and lecture will be presented during the ICPR 2014.
Congratulations to Professor Ross on this achievement.
Ingela Nyström
IAPR Secretary
July 2014 Newsletter
The Newsletter is available for download:
King-Sun Fu Prize Winner Announced
2014 Award Winner in Stockholm
Professor Jitendra Malik
For contributions to fundamental algorithms and their theoretical underpinnings in computer vision.
Visit the King-Sun Fu Prize page.
Call for Nominations for SBIA
Please see the Senior Biometrics Investigator Award page for details.
April 2014 Newsletter
The Newsletter is available for download:
ICPR 2018 – Call for Bids
Bids to host ICPR 2018 must be submitted to the IAPR Conferences and Meetings Committee by May 24th 2014.
The selection of the conference venue will be made by the IAPR Governing Board (GB) during its meeting at ICPR 2014 in Stockholm, Sweden.
See the ICPR Proposals page for more information.
January 2014 Newsletter
The Newsletter is available for download:
Call for Nominations for IAPR Fellows
Reminder: Call for Nominations for IAPR Fellows
Deadline for Submission of Nomination and Endorsement Forms is January 31, 2014.
We welcome nominations for the award of FIAPR. Anyone is eligible to be nominated, except for the current members of the Executive Committee and of the Fellow Committee.
To initiate a nomination, a nominator must submit an IAPR Fellow Nomination Form. Any member of an IAPR Member Society can serve as nominator, except for the nominee him/herself and the current members of the Fellow Committee.
Each nomination must be endorsed by at least one recommendation letter (submitted Endorsement Form), either from a member of an IAPR Member Society (different from the nominator) or from an IAPR Fellow.
Electronic Nomination and Endorsement forms should be submitted no later than January 31, 2014.
Each electronic submission will be acknowledged by an email containing the submitted form. In case of difficulty please address your data and the problem encountered through email to the chair of the Fellow Committee, Brian Lovell:
To: lovell@itee.uq.edu.au
Subject: IAPR Fellowship 2014
CC: webmaster@iapr.org
For detailed information about the nomination and the endorsement please download these instructions. Electronic versions of the nomination forms are also available.
The IAPR appreciates your efforts to support our fellowship program!