Call for Nominations – Maria Petrou Prize

The Maria Petrou Prize is to be awarded biennially at ICPRs to a living female scientist/engineer who has made substantial contributions to the field of Pattern Recognition (or a closely related field), and whose past contributions, current research activity and future potential may be regarded as a model to both aspiring and established researchers. This Prize honors the memory of Professor Maria Petrou as a scientist and engineer of the first rank, and particularly in her role as a pioneer for women researchers and highly successful role model. She is widely recognized for her extensive contributions to the field of image processing and pattern recognition. She also made significant contributions to the growth of IAPR, covering significant leadership roles. The Prize consists of a suitably inscribed plaque and a cash amount.

Deadline for Submission of Nomination and Endorsement Forms is April 5, 2018.

Please see the Maria Petrou Prize page for details.


Call for Nominations – KS Fu Prize

The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the King-Sun Fu Prize in honor of the memory of Professor King-Sun Fu. This prize is given biennially to a living person in recognition of an outstanding technical contribution to the field of pattern recognition. 

The deadline for Nominations is February 2, 2018. All information is found in the 2018 King-Sun Fu Prize Call for Nominations.

Robert M. Haralick
Chair of the 2018 K. S. Fu Prize Committee

Call for Nominations – IAPR Fellow

The IAPR Fellow Award is biennially conferred at most 0.25% of the total IAPR membership. Both service to IAPR and scientific contributions to the field of pattern recognition are essential in the selection process. To get an idea of the qualifications necessary, you can look at the current Fellows.

The deadline for Nominations and Endorsements is 1st December 2017. All information is found in the Call for Nominations. Note that there are some changes from previous years.

Welcome to nominate and endorse highly qualified candidates for the 2018 Fellow Awards!

Gunilla Borgefors
Chair of the 2018 Fellow Committee

Call for Proposals – ICB 2019

Call for Proposals to Host the 12th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2019)
IAPR TC-4 is pleased to invite proposals for hosting the 12th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2019). IAPR TC-4 will evaluate all proposals.
Letters of Intent are due by Nov 1, 2017. The letter of intent should briefly discuss the team (general chairs, program chairs, finance chair), venue, and dates.
Full Proposals are due by Nov 15, 2017. Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):
  • the host organization; 
  • conference venue and dates (verify possible clashes with other major conferences in closely related fields); 
  • available accommodation; 
  • advertisement plan; 
  • working plan and timetable with critical milestones;
  • budget estimates;
  • endorsement & financial support.

Further guidelines on IAPR conference organization can be found in

Letters of intent and Full Proposals should be sent via e-mail to:

Dr. Arun Ross, Chair, IAPR TC-4, Email:


Dr. Zhenan Sun, Vice-Chair, IAPR TC-4, Email:

Download: ICB – Call for Proposals (pdf)