IAPR Fellows for 2014

Santanu Chaudhury
“For contributions to the field of image analysis and recognition”

David Doermann
“For contributions to the field of document image analysis and recognition and service to theIAPR”

Mohamed Doudi
“For contributions to 3D shape analysis and retrieval and related applications”

Marco Gori
“For contributions to neural networks and machine learning models for pattern recognition”

Xiaofei He
“For contributions to pattern recognition and manifold learning”

DeShuang Huang
“For contributions to neural networks and biological data processing”

Umapada Pal
“For contributions to Indian multi‐script document processing, handwriting recognition andservice to IAPR”

Sharathchandra Pankanti
“For contributions to application of computer vision and pattern recognition technologies to
video analytics, public safety and security”

Andrea Prati
“For contributions to low‐ and high‐level algorithms for video surveillance”

Anuj Srivastava
“For contributions to statistical techniques on nonlinear manifolds for applications in patternrecognition, and shape analysis of curves and surfaces.”

Jie Tian
“For contributions to fingerprint recognition and medical imaging”

Matthew Turk
“For contributions to computer vision and vision‐based interaction”

Liang Wang
“For contributions to video understanding and pattern recognition”

Changsheng Xu
“For contributions to multimedia content analysis”

Shuicheng Yan
“For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition”