ICPR 2014 – Call for Contest, Tutorial and Workshop Proposals

The ICPR 2014 Organizing Committee invites proposals for contests, tutorials and workshops in conjunction with the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (www.icpr2014.org). These events will be held on August 24, 2014, immediately before the main conference.


The aim of contests and challenges is to advance algorithm and method development by objective evaluation on common data sets. The contest organizer is responsible for providing good quality data and defining objective evaluation criteria that are applied to the results of submitted algorithms.


We seek tutorials on core techniques, application areas and emerging research topics that are of interest within the ICPR community. A good tutorial should provide a broad introduction to the chosen research area as well as in-depth coverage on selected advanced topics. Proposals that focus exclusively on the presenters’ own work or commercial presentations are not eligible.


Workshops provide an informal setting for discussing specific topics in depth. Good workshops encourage discussion and interaction between the participants. This can be achieved in a number of ways, e.g., through presentations of submitted work, panel discussions and hands-on sessions.

Guideline for submitting proposals

To propose a contest, tutorial or workshop, a PDF file containing the information outlined below must be sent to the ICPR 2014 Contest, Tutorial and Workshop Co-chairs by September 15th 2013.

The proposal should contain the following:

  1. Title and abstract
  2. Name and contact information of the main organizers and any committees involved.
  3. Brief discussion of the scope and target audience. Estimate the number of participants. Both smaller and larger events will be hosted.
  4. Tentative schedule. Indicate here if a half or full day event is planned.
  5. Overall organization. Depending on the event type, for example, review process and paper selection, submission deadlines, invited speakers, distribution of submitted contributions, description of data sets and evaluation procedures, coverage of any additional costs of the event, etc.

Proposal assessment

Each proposal will be assessed based on its scientific merit, proposed structure, overall relevance, and how it complements the main conference sgx nifty live. Notification of acceptance will be given no later than October 1st 2013.

ICPR 2014 will be responsible for:

  • Providing a meeting venue with necessary technical equipment and catering services during the coffee breaks.
  • Providing staff to help with the on-site organization.
  • Advertising the event on the ICPR web site.
  • Scheduling the event together with the organizers and including it in the conference program.

Organizers of a contest, tutorial or workshop are responsible for:

  • Publishing a webpage with information about the event and its program.
  • Sending out a call for papers/contributions.
  • Reviewing and selecting submitted papers, if applicable.
  • Compiling and distributing accepted contributions to the participants.
  • Inviting speakers and ensuring their participation, if applicable.
  • Obtaining funding or sponsorship for any additional cost that may arise,
    e.g., for prizes or awards.
  • Leading the event at ICPR2014.

Costs and terms

A registration fee will be set by ICPR 2014 to cover costs for meeting
rooms, technical equipment and staff, catering services and other
administrative costs. The cost will be the same for all contests, tutorials
and workshops. ICPR 2014 reserves the right to cancel any event if the
above responsibilities are not fulfilled, if deadlines are missed, or if
too few attendees register for the event to support its costs. Organizers
can apply for sponsorship for the event from the IAPR Conferences and
Meetings Committee:


Without such sponsorship, the name and logo of IAPR cannot be used for the


ICPR 2014 Contest, Tutorial and Workshop co-chairs:

Cris Luengo cris (at) cb.uu.se
Ola Friman ola.friman (at) foi.se