Call for Proposals – IJCB2020

Call for Proposals to Host the 2020 International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB2020):

Deadline: January 15, 2019

The IAPR Technical Committee on Biometrics (TC-4) and the IEEE Biometrics Council (IEEE-BC) are pleased to invite proposals for hosting the 2020 International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2020) in the United States.

The IJCB combines two major biometrics annual research conferences – International Conference on Biometrics (ICB) and Biometrics Theory, Application and Systems (BTAS) conference – and is held in the United States. Similar events were held in 2011 (, 2014 ( and 2017 (, and proved to be successful as evidenced by the number of paper submissions and delegates in attendance.

The full Call for Proposals can be found here:

2018 IAPR Fellows

Michael Bronstein (Switzerland)
“For contributions to 3D data acquisition, processing, representation and analysis”
Andrea Cavallaro (UK)
“For contributions to image processing and multi-sensor scene understanding”
C. L. Philip Chen (Hong Kong)
“For contributions to machine learning algorithms and applications to image processing, security, recognition, and classification”
Songcan Chen (China)
“For contributions to fuzzy clustering, feature extraction, and pattern classification”
Sven J. Dickinson (Canada)
“For contributions to shape perception, object recognition, perceptual organization, and graph-based methods in computer vision”
Jean-Luc Dugelay (France)
“For contributions to face recognition and soft biometrics”
Janne T. Heikkilä (Finland)
“For contributions to 3D computer vision and image analysis”
Ujjwal Maulik (India)
“For contributions to pattern recognition and machine learning, with applications to image analysis and computational biology”
Javier Ortega-Garcia (Spain)
“For contributions to biometric recognition, especially in behavioral traits including speech and handwritten and human-device interactions”
Paul L. Rosin (UK)
“For contributions to image processing and computer vision”
Arun A. Ross (USA)
“For contributions that significantly advance biometric technologies; extend considerably its infrastructure; and enable its continuing scientific advances”
Bernt Schiele (Germany)
“For contributions to large-scale object recognition, human detection and pose estimation”
Ling Shao (UK)
“For contributions to human action recognition and video understanding”
Dinggang Shen (USA)
“For contributions to biomedical applications of pattern recognition and medical image analysis”
Richa Singh (India)
“For contributions to face recognition and pattern classification”
Jingdong Wang (China)
“For contributions to multimedia search, similarity search, attention analysis, and video surveillance”
Yunhong Wang (China)
“For contributions to biometrics, computer vision, and pattern recognition”
Junsong Yuan (Singapore)
“For contributions to human action and gesture analysis”
Pong Chi Yuen (Hong Kong)
“For contributions to subspace learning and information fusion for visual recognition”
Huaguang Zhang (China)
“For contributions to stability analysis of recurrent time-delay neural networks and identification of weak signals”

ICPR 2022 Venue Announcement

The venue of ICPR 2022 will be Montréal, Canada (following ICPR 2020 in Milan, Italy).

This venue was selected by the IAPR Governing Board (GB), at its biennial meeting during ICPR 2018. The ICPR 2022 General Chair is Michael Jenkin (York University, Canada); Program Chairs are Michael Brown (York University, Canada), Henrik Christensen (University of California, San Diego, USA) and Gregory Dudek McGill University, Canada).