We welcome nominations for the award of FIAPR. Anyone is eligible to be nominated, except for the current members of the Executive Committee and of the Fellow Committee.
COMING SOON: Open Call for Nominations for IAPR Fellows
The next IAPR Fellow Awards will be presented at ICPR 2026, to be held August 16-20, 2026, in Lyon, France.
This page displays the criteria and selection information for the 2024 Fellow Awards, which may change somewhat for the 2024-2026 cycle.
Subscribe to the IAPR mailing list to be for updates through announcements and the IAPR Newsletter.
Full 2024 Nomination Instructions can be found here (PDF)
To initiate a nomination, a nominator must complete and submit an IAPR Fellow Nomination Form. Any member of an IAPR Member Society can serve as nominator, except for the nominee themself and the current members of the Executive and Fellow Committees.
Each nomination must be endorsed by at least one submitted Endorsement Form, either from a member of an IAPR Member Society (different from the nominator) or from an IAPR Fellow.
All documents (Nomination and Endorsement forms) must be submitted electronically and will be acknowledged by an email. Changes will be accepted up until the final deadline. To make changes, please re-enter all information and submit a new, complete form. Only the last form received will be used in the evaluation process.
Submission problems should be reported to the IAPR Webmaster, cc’ing the Fellow Committee Chair, Prof. Umapada Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India:
To: webmaster@iapr.org
Subject: Submission problem — IAPR Fellowship 2024
CC: umapada@isical.ac.in; umapada_pal@yahoo.com
Click here for a list of members of the IAPR Fellow Committee.
IAPR appreciates your efforts to support our fellowship program!
IAPR Fellow Nomination Form (Google Form)
IAPR Fellow Endorsement Form (Google Form)