Call for Proposals – ICB 2019

Call for Proposals to Host the 12th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2019)
IAPR TC-4 is pleased to invite proposals for hosting the 12th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2019). IAPR TC-4 will evaluate all proposals.
Letters of Intent are due by Nov 1, 2017. The letter of intent should briefly discuss the team (general chairs, program chairs, finance chair), venue, and dates.
Full Proposals are due by Nov 15, 2017. Each proposal should include information on (but not limited to):
  • the host organization; 
  • conference venue and dates (verify possible clashes with other major conferences in closely related fields); 
  • available accommodation; 
  • advertisement plan; 
  • working plan and timetable with critical milestones;
  • budget estimates;
  • endorsement & financial support.

Further guidelines on IAPR conference organization can be found in

Letters of intent and Full Proposals should be sent via e-mail to:

Dr. Arun Ross, Chair, IAPR TC-4, Email:


Dr. Zhenan Sun, Vice-Chair, IAPR TC-4, Email:

Download: ICB – Call for Proposals (pdf)