To recognize excellence and impact of the IAPR’s Technical Committees (TCs), the IAPR Executive Committee (ExCo) established two awards: The Outstanding TC Award and the Special Achievements Award.
The criteria for both awards are the same: excellence and impact of organized events, educational activities, and member/leader development and governance.
All IAPR Technical Committees are eligible to receive these awards which will be given biennially at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). A Call for Nominations will be sent to TC Chairs prior to the next ICPR.
The first awards were announced at ICPR2024, Kolkata, India.
2024 Award Winner in Kolkata
TC2 Structural & Syntactical Pattern Recognition: Andrea Torsello, Chair; Bai Xiao, Vice-Chair
For establishing the TC2 Summer School on Deep Learning on Graphs