Outstanding Technical Committee Award

To recognize excellence and impact of the IAPR’s Technical Committees (TCs), the IAPR Executive Committee (ExCo) established two awards: The Outstanding TC Award and the Special Achievements Award.

The criteria for both awards are the same: excellence and impact of organized events, educational activities, and member/leader development and governance.

All IAPR Technical Committees are eligible to receive these awards which will be given biennially at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). A Call for Nominations will be sent to TC Chairs prior to the next ICPR.

The first awards were announced at ICPR2024, Kolkata, India.

2024 Award Winners in Kolkata

TC10 Graphics Recognition: Jean-Christophe Burie, Chair; KC Santosh, Vice Chair
TC11 Reading Systems: Andreas Fischer, Chair; Mickael Coustaty, Vice Chair

For excellence and impact of organized events

TC4 Biometrics: Julian Fierrez, Chair; Shiqi Yu, Vice-Chair
For excellence in educational activities