Location Selected for ICPR 2016

The IAPR Governing Board (GB), at its biennial meeting during ICPR 2012, examined and discussed three high-quality proposals for hosting ICPR 2016.

The result of the GB vote was that Cancun, Mexico will be the location of ICPR in four years’ time (following ICPR 2014 in Stockholm, Sweden).

New IAPR Executive Committee Elected

IAPR Executive Committee for 2012-2014

The 2010-2012 term of the IAPR Executive Committee (ExCo) as well as that of the standing committees and of the leadership of technical committees (TCs) ended with the biennial Governing Board (GB) meeting during ICPR2012 in Tsukuba, Japan.

The IAPR GB elected new ExCo officers for the 2012-2014 term who have now taken office and started work on the association’s plans for the new term. One of the ExCo’s very first tasks is the appointment of standing committees and TC Chairs.

The 2012-2014 ExCo members elected are as follows:

President: Kim Boyer (USA)
Vice President (1st): Tieniu Tan (China)
Vice President (2nd): Apostolos Antonacopoulos (UK)
Secretary: Ingela Nystrom (Sweden)
Treasurer: Aytul Ercil (Turkey)

Denis Laurendeau (Canada), the 2010-2012 President, assumes the ex officio post of Past President, completing the ExCo.

In Memoriam – Dr. Maria Petrou

It is with great sadness that the Executive Committee has been informed that Professor Maria Petrou passed away on October 15, 2012. Her funeral will be at 17:00 (local time) on October 16, 2012 in Kalamaria Thessaloniki.

After a distinguished career at University of Surrey, she joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College in London UK in 2005. In 2009, she became the Director of the Informatics and Telematics Institute of CERTH in Thessaloniki Greece while retaining as part time her chair at Imperial College. In addition of being a distinguished researcher, Professor Petrou was also known as a very active member of the IAPR Community. She held many positions in the IAPR including Editor of the Newsletter, Treasurer of the Executive Committee and member of standing and technical committees.

Professor Petrou will be remembered as someone who was hardworking, dedicated to research and student training and, for those who worked with her closely, was also a person with a very special sense of humor. Professor Petrou will be sadly missed.

An obituary for Professor Petrou appeared in the United Kingdom in The Telegraph.

J. K. Aggarwal Prize 2012 Awarded to Professor Rene Vidal

It is our pleasure to announce that the recipient of the J. K. Aggarwal Prize 2012 is Professor Rene Vidal, Johns Hopkins University, USA.

The citation for the prize is:

“For outstanding contributions to the generalized principal component analysis (GPCA) and subspace clustering in computer vision and pattern recognition.”

Professor Vidal will receive his prize at the ICPR 2012 that will take place in Tsukuba on November 11-15, 2012. The J. K. Aggarwal ceremony and lecture will be presented during the ICPR 2012.

Congratulations to Professor Vidal on this achievement.

Ingela Nyström

IAPR Secretary

K.-S. Fu Prize 2012 Awarded to Professor Rama Chellappa

It is our pleasure to announce that the recipient of the King-Sun Fu Prize 2012 is Professor Rama Chellappa, University of Maryland, USA.

The citation for the prize is:

“For pioneering contributions to statistical methods for image and video-based object recognition”

Professor Chellappa will receive his prize at the ICPR 2012 that will take place in Tsukuba on November 11-15, 2012. The K.-S. Fu ceremony and lecture will be presented during the ICPR 2012 opening ceremony.

Congratulations to Professor Chellappa on this prestigious achievement.

Ingela Nyström

IAPR Secretary