IAPR Fellows and citations in chronological order.
Rajendra Acharya (Australia)
For significant contributions to AI algorithms and biomedical applications
Yiu-ming Cheung (Hong Kong)
For contributions to the fields of cluster analysis and visual computing as well as their applications
Michael Joachim Paulus Felsberg (Sweden)
For contributions to visual object tracking
Clinton Fookes (Australia)
For contributions to computer vision, machine learning and pattern recognition across video analysis, biometrics, and biosignal processing applications
Rongrong Ji (China)
For contributions to neural network compression and efficient visual recognition
Lianwen Jin (China)
For contributions to document image analysis and recognition, particularly scene text detection and recognition
Mohan Kankanhalli (Singapore)
For contributions to multimedia content processing and multimedia security
Xi Li (China)
For contributions to multi-factor coupling model learning, adaptive network model design, and knowledge-guided structural semantic understanding
Shengcai Liao (China)
For contributions to face and person recognition and re-identification
Qingshan Liu (China)
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition
Sébastien Marcel (Switzerland)
For pioneering contributions to biometric presentation attack detection
João Paulo Papa (Brazil)
For contributions to graph-based approaches in pattern recognition and metaheuristics for optimizing pattern classifiers and for service to IAPR
Vishal M. Patel (USA)
For contributions to image processing, computer vision and biometrics
Yu Qiao (China)
For contributions to facial image analysis and video understanding
Elisa Ricci (Italy)
For contributions to multimodal human behaviour analysis and adaptation methods for visual recognition models
Yoichi Sato (Japan)
For contributions to computer vision and for service to IAPR
Zhen Wang (China)
For contributions to behavior patterns of AI agents and humans, as well as their applications
Junchi Yan (China)
For contributions to (quantum) graph optimization especially with machine learning and computer vision for remote sensing
Yi Yang (China)
For contributions to cross-media analysis and visual object retrieval
Zhaoxiang Zhang (China)
For contributions to pattern recognition and visual perception
Wei-Shi Zheng (China)
For the contribution to person re-identification and action recognition
Marco Cristani (Italy)
For contributions to the design of pattern recognition methods for social signal processing
Sergio Escalera (Spain)
For contributions in pattern recognition and human behavior analysis
Junwei Han (China)
For contributions to visual saliency computation and remote-sensing image analysis
Jungong Han (UK)
For contributions to multimedia content analysis, multimodal computer vision, and deep learning
Kaiqi Huang (China)
For contributions to video analysis and human vision-inspired visual models
Tingwen Huang (Qatar)
For contributions in understanding the dynamics of neural networks in pattern recognition applications
Yu-Gang Jiang (China)
For contributions to large-scale and trustworthy video understanding, and open-source datasets
Reinhard Koch (Germany)
For contributions to image-based 3D scene reconstruction, underwater imaging, and service to the IAPR
Zhen Lei (China)
For contributions to face analysis and pattern recognition
Liang Lin (China)
For contributions to computational models for visual pattern matching and understanding
Siwei Lyu (USA)
For contributions to digital media forensics
Ajmal Saeed Mian (Australia)
For contributions to geometric deep learning, 3D shape representation, and facial analysis
Hiroshi Murase (Japan)
For contributions to object and image recognition and quick video search
Liqiang Nie (China)
For contributions to multimedia content analysis and recognition
Guo-Jun Qi (USA)
For contributions to pattern recognition for computer vision and multimedia computing
Carlo Sansone (Italy)
For contributions in pattern recognition and biomedical image analysis
Jinhui Tang (China)
For contributions to multimedia content analysis and recognition, and tensor completion methods
Mayank Vatsa (India)
For contributions in secure biometric recognition
Xiaojun Wu (China)
For contributions to image and video representation, image and multimodal fusion, and particle swarm optimization for pattern recognition
Gary G. Yen (USA)
For contributions in pattern recognition and optimization for intelligent systems
Zhongfei Zhang (USA)
For contributions to data understanding and mining
Xiang Bai (China)
For contributions to shape representation, contextual visual similarity, and camera-based document analysis
Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay (India)
For contributions to machine learning, computer vision, and bioinformatics
Joachim Buhmann (Switzerland)
For contributions to pattern recognition and statistical machine learning theory
Roberto Cipolla (UK)
For contributions to geometric models in computer vision and scene understanding
Paolo Ettore Gamba (Italy)
For contributions to data fusion and remote sensing
Ashish Ghosh (India)
For contributions to neural and deep learning, and to image and video analysis
Giorgio Giacinto (Italy)
For contributions to pattern recognition for computer security
Ran He (China)
For contributions to biometrics, face recognition, and applications
Adrian Hilton (UK)
For contributions to the fields of 3D and 4D computer vision with applications in healthcare, design and entertainment
Katsushi Ikeuchi (Japan)
For fundamental contributions to computer vision applied to robotics and man-machine interaction
Tianzi Jiang (China)
For contributions in pattern recognition toward the understanding of brain organization and dysfunctions using neuroimaging
Adam Krzyzak (Canada)
For contributions to statistical pattern recognition and machine learning, and for service to IAPR
Stan Z. Li (China)
For outstanding contributions to face recognition research and applications
Wei Liu (China)
For contributions to machine learning, computer vision, and remote sensing
Xiaoming Liu (USA)
For contributions to face and video analysis
Jiwen Lu (China)
For contributions to human action recognition and applications
Nasir Memon (USA)
For contributions to machine learning, biometrics, multimedia forensics, cryptography, and steganography
Yingli Tian (USA)
For contributions to automatic facial expression analysis and human activity understanding
Meng Wang (China)
For contributions to multimedia content analysis and recognition
Ying Wu (USA)
For contributions to visual motion and pattern analysis in computer vision
Josiane Zerubia (France)
For contributions to stochastic image modeling for classification, segmentation, and object detection in remote sensing
Daoqiang Zhang (China)
For contributions to fuzzy clustering, dimensionality reduction, and medical image analysis
Guoying Zhao (Finland)
For contributions to video analysis and affective computing
Michael Bronstein (Switzerland)
For contributions to 3D data acquisition, processing, representation and analysis
Andrea Cavallaro (UK)
For contributions to image processing and multi-sensor scene understanding
C. L. Philip Chen (Hong Kong)
For contributions to machine learning algorithms and applications to image processing, security, recognition, and classification
Songcan Chen (China)
For contributions to fuzzy clustering, feature extraction, and pattern classification
Sven J. Dickinson (Canada)
For contributions to shape perception, object recognition, perceptual organization, and graph-based methods in computer vision
Jean-Luc Dugelay (France)
For contributions to face recognition and soft biometrics
Janne T. Heikkilä (Finland)
For contributions to 3D computer vision and image analysis
Ujjwal Maulik (India)
For contributions to pattern recognition and machine learning, with applications to image analysis and computational biology
Javier Ortega-Garcia (Spain)
For contributions to biometric recognition, especially in behavioral traits including speech and handwritten and human-device interactions
Paul L. Rosin (UK)
For contributions to image processing and computer vision
Arun A. Ross (USA)
For contributions that significantly advance biometric technologies; extend considerably its infrastructure; and enable its continuing scientific advances
Bernt Schiele (Germany)
For contributions to large-scale object recognition, human detection and pose estimation
Ling Shao (UK)
For contributions to human action recognition and video understanding
Dinggang Shen (USA)
For contributions to biomedical applications of pattern recognition and medical image analysis
Richa Singh (India)
For contributions to face recognition and pattern classification
Jingdong Wang (China)
For contributions to multimedia search, similarity search, attention analysis, and video surveillance
Yunhong Wang (China)
For contributions to biometrics, computer vision, and pattern recognition
Junsong Yuan (Singapore)
For contributions to human action and gesture analysis
Pong Chi Yuen (Hong Kong)
For contributions to subspace learning and information fusion for visual recognition
Huaguang Zhang (China)
For contributions to stability analysis of recurrent time-delay neural networks and identification of weak signals
Mohammad Showkat-Ul Alam
For contributions to the advancement and development of architectures, algorithms, and performance metrics for optical pattern recognition and high resolution image reconstruction
Richard Bowden
For contributions to computer vision in the fields of sign language, gesture and activity recognition and service to IAPR
Alberto Broggi
For contributions in the field of computer vision-based advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving
Xilin Chen
For contributions to image modeling and object recognition
Mohamed Cheriet
For contributions to ancient manuscript processing, form construction, handwriting recognition, multidisciplinary application, and service to IAPR
Aly A. Farag
For contributions to object modeling and biomedical applications
Yun Fu
For contributions to pattern recognition, data mining and visual intelligence
Anders Lars-Gunnar Heyden
For contributions to multiple view geometry and auto-calibration and for service to IAPR
Gang Hua
For contributions to visual computing and learning from unconstrained images and videos
C. V. Jawahar
For contributions to computer vision, pattern recognition, and document image understanding
Kenichi Kanatani
For contributions to 3D computer vision analysis and computation
Ajay Kumar
For contributions to human identification using biometrics
Zhouchen Lin
For contributions to image processing, computer vision and machine learning
Derong Liu
For contributions to neural networks and associative memories
Tao Mei
For contributions to large-scale video analysis, understanding, and applications
Sushmita Mitra
For contributions to neuro-fuzzy and hybrid approaches to pattern recognition and machine intelligence, with applications to bioinformatics and medical imaging
Maja Pantic
For contributions to affective and behavioural computing
Petia Radeva
For contributions to computer vision, machine learning, egocentric vision, life-logging, and medical imaging
Amit K Roy-Chowdhury
For contributions to collaborative sensing and distributed processing in camera networks with applications in tracking, re-identification, and activity recognition
Punam Kumar Saha
For contributions to digital topology and geometry and their application
Stan Sclaroff
For contributions in tracking, human gesture analysis, shape recognition, and video databases
Zhenan Sun
For contributions to automatic iris recognition and applications
Emanuele Trucco
For contributions to computer vision and applications
René Vidal
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition
Dong Xu
For contributions to machine learning for visual recognition and domain adaption
Jian Yang
For contributions to 2D image representation and discriminant analysis
Naokazu Yokoya
For contributions to image processing, computer vision, and mixed and augmented reality
Jie Zhou
For contributions to biometrics, computer vision, and image processing
Santanu Chaudhury
For contributions to the field of image analysis and recognition
Mohammed Daoudi
For contributions to 3D shape analysis and retrieval and related applications
David Doermann
For contributions to the field of document image analysis and in recognition of service to the IAPR
Marco Gori
For contributions to neural networks and machine learning models for pattern recognition
Xiaofei He
For contributions to pattern recognition and manifold learning
De-Shuang Huang
For contributions to neural networks and biological data processing
Umapada Pal
For contributions to Indian multiscript document processing and handwriting recognition and for service to the IAPR
Sharathchandra Pankanti
For contributions to the application of computer vision and pattern recognition technologies to video analytics, public safety and security
Andrea Prati
For contributions to low- and high-level algorithms for video surveillance
Anuj Srivastava
For contributions to statistical techniques on nonlinear manifolds for applications in pattern recognition, and to shape analysis of curves and surfaces
Jie Tian
For contributions to fingerprint recognition and medical imaging
Matthew Turk
For contributions to computer vision and vision based interaction
Liang Wang
For contributions to video understanding and pattern recognition
Changsheng Xu
For contributions to multimedia content analysis
Shuicheng Yan
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition
Kevin Wilson Bowyer
For contributions to computer vision, pattern recognition and biometrics
John Gustav Daugman
For contributions to computer vision, pattern recognition and biometrics
Andrew William Fitzgibbon
For contributions to 3D computer vision research and its applications
David Crossland Hogg
For contributions to learning in activity analysis and computer vision
Qiang Ji
For contributions to face image analysis and applications
Ludmila Ilieva Kuncheva
For contributions to multiple classifier systems
Cheng-Lin Liu
For contributions to character recognition and document analysis, and services to the IAPR
Salil Prabhakar
For contributions to biometrics technology
Yong Rui
For contributions to visual pattern analysis, recognition and retrieval
Jose Ruiz-Shulcloper
For contributions to pattern recognition and data mining, and services to the IAPR
Nicu Sebe
For contributions to human behaviour understanding and multimedia
Chew Lim Tan
For contributions to document analysis, and services to the IAPR
Dacheng Tao
For contributions to pattern recognition and image understanding
Philip Hilaire Torr
For contributions to robust computer vision
Jun Wang
For contributions to neurodynamics and its applications
Qiang Yang
For contributions to data mining and transfer learning
Zhi-Hua Zhou
For contributions to machine learning, data mining, and pattern recognition
Timothy Francis Cootes
For contributions to the development of statistical models of shape and appearance.
Gian Luca Foresti
For contributions to image processing and pattern recognition in video surveillance systems
Dmitry B. Goldgof
For contributions to Computer Vision Pattern Recognition and Biomedical Engineering
Lawrence O'Higgins Hall
For contributions to approximate knowledge integration into learning
Jianying Hu
For contributions to pattern recognition methodologies and applications and service to IAPR
John Illingworth
For contributions to image processing and computer vision
Fumitaka Kimura
For contributions to handwriting recognition and its applications
Malay Kumar Kundu
For outstanding contributions in the development of theory, techniques and applications of image processing using soft computing and related mathematical methods
Xuelong Li
For contributions to pattern recognition and image analysis
Wenyin Liu
For contributions to graphics recognition, performance evaluation, document analysis, approaches to anti-phishing, and services to IAPR
Jiebo Luo
For contributions to contextual inference in semantic understanding of images and video
Davide Maltoni
For contributions to Biometrics and Fingerprint Recognition
Majid Mirmehdi
For contributions to Image Understanding and Computer Vision and services to IAPR
Shigeru Sasaki
For contributions to image processing and its applications in industry
Raimondo Schettini
For contributions to pattern recognition research and color image analysis
Mohan Manubhai Trivedi
For contributions to vision systems for situational awareness, intelligent robotics and human-centered vehicle safety systems
Richard Charles Wilson
For contributions to structural pattern recognition
Bhabatosh Chanda
For contributions to the theory and practice of digital image processing and analysis.
Emlyn Roy Davies
For contributions to the theory and practice of machine vision and its promotion through education, authorship and society activities.
Mário A. T. Figueiredo
For contributions to unsupervised and supervised learning, image analysis, and wavelet-based image restoration.
Robert B. Fisher
For contributions to 3D computer vision and the development of online resources important to the research community.
Atsushi Imiya
For contributions to randomized model fitting approaches in pattern recognition and computer vision, and to discrete geometry.
Mohamed S. Kamel
For contributions to fundamental, applied and industrial problems in pattern recognition and neural networks.
Mineichi Kudo
For contributions to pattern classification and feature extraction.
Brian C. Lovell
For contributions to video and medical image analysis and service to the IAPR.
Fionn Murtagh
For contributions to clustering and analysis of massive and high dimensional data, with applications to astronomy.
Masaki Nakagawa
For contributions to handwriting recognition and its applications.
Mark Nixon
For contributions to biometrics and computer vision.
Marcello Pelillo
For contributions to graph-theoretic and optimization-based approaches in pattern recognition and computer vision.
P. Jonathon Phillips
For contributions to face recognition and evaluation methodologies.
Nalini K. Ratha
For contributions to biometric authentication.
Sudeep Sarkar
For contributions to computer vision, particularly perceptual organization, segmentation and grouping, and to the evaluation of vision algorithms.
David G. Stork
For contributions to pattern recognition education, machine learning, speech recognition, and the application of computer vision to the study of art.
Tamas Sziranyi
For contributions to stochastic models and learning methods for video event analysis, and to energy optimization-based image and video segmentation.
Massimo Tistarelli
For contributions to computer vision, and biometrics research and education.
Eduardo Jose Bayro-Corrochano
For contributions to geometric computing for perception action systems.
Zen Chen
For contributions to computer vision and related applications, and for service to IAPR.
Rita Cucchiara
For contributions to pattern recognition for video-surveillance.
Xiaoqing Ding
For contributions to OCR, face recognition, biometric technology and document image analysis.
Patrick J. Flynn
For contributions to research in three-dimensional object recognition systems and biometrics.
Xiaoyi Jiang
For contributions to range image analysis and structural pattern recognition, and for service to IAPR.
B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar
For contributions to frequency domain pattern recognition methods.
Ching-Chung Li
For contributions to biomedical pattern recognition and multiresolution image processing.
Vittorio Murino
For contributions to the design of probabilistic (graphical) methods for pattern recognition.
B. John Oommen
For contributions to fundamental and applied problems in syntactic and statistical pattern recognition.
Petra Perner
For contributions to image interpretation by developing methods for case-based reasoning, machine learning and data mining, and for service to IAPR.
Katsuhiko Sakaue
For contributions to computer vision and its applications.
Mubarak Shah
For contributions to motion-based recognition and shape from shading in computer vision.
Tieniu Tan
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition.
David Zhang
For contributions to biometrics technologies and systems.
Kim L. Boyer (USA)
For contributions to computer vision and for service to IAPR.
Andreas Dengel (Germany)
For contributions to document understanding and for service to IAPR.
Michael C. Fairhurst (UK)
For contributions to pattern recognition.
Venu Govindaraju (USA)
For contributions to advances in handwriting recognition.
Igor B. Gurevich (Russian Federation)
For contributions to mathematical theory of image analysis and recognition, and for service to IAPR.
Michal Haindl (Czech Republic)
For contributions to the theory and practice of model-based pattern recognition and for service to IAPR.
Vaclav Hlavac (Czech Republic)
For contributions to pattern analysis and image processing.
Tin Kam Ho (USA)
For contributions to multiple classifier systems, statistical pattern recognition, document image analysisand recognition, and for service to IAPR.
Horace S. Ip (Hong Kong)
For contributions to theory and application of deformable model for image segmentation and pattern recognition, and for service to IAPR.
Yuichi Ohta (Japan)
For contributions to computer vision and vision-based approach to image media, and for service to IAPR.
Fabio Roli (Italy)
For contributions to pattern recognition and its applications and multiple classifier systems.
Hiroshi Sako (Japan)
For contributions to the development and application of machine vision technology for factory and office automation.
A. Lawrence Spitz (New Zealand)
For contributions to document recognition and for service to IAPR.
Yuan Y. Tang (Hong Kong)
For contributions to wavelet analysis, pattern recognition and document analysis.
Christopher J. Taylor (UK)
For contributions to the theory and practice of computer vision and medical image analysis, and for service to IAPR.
Svetha Venkatesh (Australia)
For contributions to the formulation and extraction of semantics in multimedia data.
Mario Vento (Italy)
For contributions to graph based learning and matching techniques, and for service to IAPR.
Juan Jose Villanueva (Spain)
For contributions to research and the transfer of innovation and technology in computer vision.
Prabir Bhattacharya (USA)
For contributions to image understanding and processing.
Hans Burkhardt (Germany)
For contributions to the theory and application of invariants to pattern recognition and for service to IAPR.
Terrence M. Caelli (Canada)
For contributions to pattern recognition, image processing and machine learning.
Larry S. Davis (USA)
For contributions to computer vision and image understanding.
Robert P.W. Duin (The Netherlands)
For contributions to statistical pattern recognition and for service to IAPR.
Charles R. Dyer (USA)
For contributions to computer vision and image processing.
Jan-Olof Eklundh (Sweden)
For contributions to computer vision and for service to IAPR.
Ramesh C. Jain (USA)
For contributions to machine vision research.
Ales Leonardis (Slovenia)
For contributions to computer vision and for service to IAPR.
Gerard G. Medioni (USA)
For contributions to pattern recognition and computer vision.
Heinrich Niemann (Germany)
For contributions to pattern recognition with applications to speech processing and image understanding, and for service to IAPR.
Sankar K. Pal (India)
For contributions to pattern recognition and image processing using soft computing.
Jussi P.S. Parkkinen (Finland)
For contributions to color and multispectral image processing, and for service to IAPR.
Franc Solina (Slovenia)
For contributions to interpretation of range images and for service to IAPR.
Johji Tajima (Japan)
For contributions to color image processing and 3D vision.
Gianni L. Vernazza (Italy)
For contributions to image processing and pattern recognition.
Max A. Viergever (The Netherlands)
For contributions to biomedical applications of computer vision and pattern recognition, and for service to IAPR.
Lei Xu (Hong Kong)
For contributions to studies on Randomized Hough Transform and combination of multiple classifiers.
Bir Bhanu (USA)
For contributions to pattern recognition and computer vision
Josef Bigun (Sweden)
For contributions to image understanding and for service to IAPR
Alberto Del Bimbo (Italy)
For contributions to image database management and forservice to IAPR
Dov Dori (Israel)
For contributions to document analysis recognition
Marco Ferretti (Italy)
For contributions to parallel architectures for image processingand for service to IAPR
Hiromichi Fujisawa (Japan)
For contributions to document analysis and for service to IAPR
Edwin Hancock (UK)
For contributions to structural and statistical pattern recognition, and to computer vision
Jonathan J. Hull (USA)
For contributions to document image analysis and for service to IAPR
Seiji Inokuchi (Japan)
For contributions to 3D computer vision and service to IAPR
Jin H. Kim (Korea)
For contributions to handwritten oriental scripts recognition
Yasuaki Nakano (Japan)
For contributions to recognition of handwritten characters, document analysis and for service to IAPR
Hirobumi Nishida (Japan)
For contributions to structural pattern recognition and for service to IAPR
Shinji Ozawa (Japan)
For contributions to motion analysis and for service to IAPR
Maria Petrou (UK)
For contributions to image processing and for service to IAPR
Pavel Pudil (Czech Republic)
For contributions to statistical pattern recognition and for service to IAPR
Gabriella Sanniti di Baja (Italy)
For exceptional service to IAPR and for contributions to image analysis
Linda G. Shapiro (USA)
For contributions to computer vision and structural pattern recognition
Arnold W. M. Smeulders (The Netherlands)
For contributions to image analysis and content-based image database retrieval
Steven L. Tanimoto (USA)
For contributions to image processing
Torfinn Taxt (Norway)
For contributions to multispectral image analysis
Hong Yan (Hong Kong)
For contributions to document image analysis
Ian T. Young (The Netherlands)
For contributions to image analysis and pattern recognition
Keiichi Abe (Japan)
For contributions to structural pattern recognition and for service to IAPR
Sergey V. Ablameyko (Republic of Belarus)
For contributions to document image analysis and for service to IAPR
Ruud M. Bolle (USA)
For contributions to industrial computer vision and for service to IAPR
Gunilla Borgefors (Sweden)
For contributions to digital geometry and for outstanding service to IAPR
Bidyut Baran Chaudhuri (India)
For contributions to character recognition and speech synthesis in Indian language
Leila De Floriani (Italy)
For contributions to geometric modeling and algorithm design for computer vision applications
Sebastiano Impedovo (Italy)
For contributions to handwriting recognition and document analysis, and for service to IAPR
Josef Kittler (UK)
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition, and for outstanding leadership in IAPR
Seong-Whan Lee (Korea)
For contributions to document understanding and for service to IAPR
Piero Mussio (Italy)
For contributions to image description and interpretation, and for service to IAPR
Hans-Hellmut Nagel (Germany)
For contributions to image sequence analysis
George Nagy (USA)
For contributions to document image analysis and for service to IAPR
Jurgen Schurmann (Germany)
For contributions to character recognition and polynomial classifiers, and for the service to IAPR
Yoshiaki Shirai (Japan)
For contributions to three-dimensional object recognition and for service to IAPR
Jun-ichiro Toriwaki (Japan)
For contributions to medical image analysis and for service to IAPR
Ventzeslav Valev (Bulgaria)
For contributions to pattern recognition theory and for service to IAPR
Harry Wechsler (USA)
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition, and for service to IAPR
Jake K. Aggarwal (USA)
For contributions to computer vision and outstanding leadership of IAPR
Carlo Arcelli (Italy)
For contributions to digital geometry and mathematical morphology in image analysis
Henry S. Baird (USA)
For contributions to document analysis and for service to IAPR
Horst Bunke (Switzerland)
For contributions to structural pattern recognition and for service to IAPR
Ramalingam Chellappa (USA)
For contributions to theory and applications of Markov Random Fields and computer vision
Chi Hau Chen (USA)
For contributions to pattern recognition and its applications to geophysical and underwater acoustics problems
Luigi Cordella (Italy)
For contributions to image analysis and for service to IAPR
Masakazu Ejiri (Japan)
For contributions to the development of machine vision technology and for outstanding service to IAPR
Jean Paul Haton (France)
For contributions to speech recognition
Anil K. Jain (USA)
For contributions to statistical pattern recognition and range data analysis and for service to IAPR
Rangachar Kasturi (USA)
For contributions to document analysis and for service to IAPR
Takashi Matsuyama (Japan)
For contributions to image understanding and for service to IAPR
Lawrence O’Gorman (USA)
For contributions to document analysis
H. Samet (USA)
For contributions to hierarchical data structures for image analysis and representation
Sargur N. Srihari (USA)
For contributions to character recognition and for service to IAPR
Saburo Tsuji (Japan)
For contributions to computer vision and for outstanding service to IAPR
Enrique Vidal-Ruis (Spain)
For contributions to syntactic pattern recognition
Kazuhiko Yamamoto (Japan)
For contributions to character recognition and for service to IAPR
Narendra Ahuja (USA)
For contributions to computer vision, including texture analysis, dot pattern clustering, and image segmentation
Eric Backer (The Netherlands)
For contributions to fuzzy clustering and service to the IAPR
Virginio Cantoni (Italy)
For contributions in architectures for computer vision and service to the IAPR
Serge G. Castan (France)
For contributions in computer vision, image understanding and parallel architecture for image processing and service to the IAPR
Per-Erik Danielsson (Sweden)
For contributions to image processing and service to the IAPR
Pierre A. Devijver (France)
For contributions in pattern recognition and image processing and outstanding leadership in the IAPR
Vito Di Gesú (Italy)
For contributions to fusion methodologies, architectures for machine vision, and segmentation techniques and service to the IAPR
Michael J. B. Duff (UK)
For contributions to architectures for parallel processing, and outstanding leadership in the IAPR
Herbert Freeman (USA)
For outstanding contributions in image analysis and map data processing and leadership in the IAPR
Edzard S. Gelsema (The Netherlands)
For contributions to pattern recognition and service to the IAPR
Robert M. Haralick (USA)
For contributions to computer vision, image processing, and mathematical morphology and service to the IAPR
Thomas S. Huang (USA)
For contributions to computer vision and image processing, including motion analysis and image compression and service to the IAPR
Ir Pieter P. Jonker (The Netherlands)
For contributions to special purpose architectures and service to IAPR
Laveen N. Kanal (USA)
For outstanding contributions to Markov random field models, search strategies, hybrid linguistic-statistical models and reasoning in uncertain domains
Rangasami L. Kashyap (USA)
For outstanding contributions to pattern classification and computer vision
Masatsugu Kidode (Japan)
For contributions to new architectures for pattern recognition and service to the IAPR
Walter G. Kropatsch (Austria)
For contributions to image processing and remote sensing and service to the IAPR
Stefano Levialdi (Italy)
For contributions to architectures for parallel image processing and and service to the IAPR
Martin D. Levine (Canada)
For contributions in computer vision and biomedical image processing and outstanding leadership in the IAPR
Gerd Maderlechner (Germany)
For contributions to pattern recognition, interpretation technologies and their applications and service to the IAPR
Dwijesh Kr. Dutta Majumder (India)
For contributions to pattern recognition, image processing, computer vision and artificial intelligence and service to the IAPR
Makoto Nagao (Japan)
For contributions to image analysis and recognition and service to the IAPR
Erkki Oja (Finland)
For contributions to pattern recognition and image processing and and service to the IAPR
Theo Pavlidis (USA)
For contributions to computer graphics and image processing and service to the IAPR
Shmuel Peleg (Israel)
For contributions to image analysis and computer vision and service to the IAPR
Matti K. Pietikainen (Finland)
For contributions to machine vision and its applications in industry and service to the IAPR
Re’jean Plamondon (Canada)
For contributions to handwriting and document recognition and service to the IAPR
Azriel Rosenfeld (USA)
For outstanding contributions to pattern recognition and image processing and leadership in the IAPR
Toshiyuki Sakai (Japan)
For contributions to pattern recognition and outstanding leadership in the IAPR
Alberto Sanfeliu (Spain)
For contributions to syntactic and structural pattern recognition and service to the IAPR
Jean-Claude Simon (France)
For contributions in pattern recognition and outstanding leadership in the IAPR
Jack Sklansky (USA)
For contributions to pattern recognition, machine vision and medical imaging and service to the IAPR
Ching Y. Suen (Canada)
For contributions to optical character recognition and document understanding and service to the IAPR
Mikio Takagi (Japan)
For contributions to image processing and pattern recognition and service to the IAPR
Patrick S. P. Wang (USA)
For contributions to pattern recognition, optical character recognition and service to the IAPR