Alphabetical List of IAPR Fellows

IAPR Fellows and citations in alphabetical order.

Keiichi Abe (Japan) - 1998
For contributions to structural pattern recognition and for service to IAPR

Sergey V. Ablameyko (Republic of Belarus) - 1998
For contributions to document image analysis and for service to IAPR

Rajendra Acharya (Australia) - 2024
For significant contributions to AI algorithms and biomedical applications

Jake K. Aggarwal (USA) - 1996
For contributions to computer vision and outstanding leadership of IAPR

Narendra Ahuja (USA) - 1994
For contributions to computer vision, including texture analysis, dot pattern clustering, and image segmentation

Mohammad Showkat-Ul Alam - 2016
For contributions to the advancement and development of architectures, algorithms, and performance metrics for optical pattern recognition and high resolution image reconstruction

Carlo Arcelli (Italy) - 1996
For contributions to digital geometry and mathematical morphology in image analysis

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Eric Backer (The Netherlands) - 1994
For contributions to fuzzy clustering and service to the IAPR

Xiang Bai (China) - 2020
For contributions to shape representation, contextual visual similarity, and camera-based document analysis 

Henry S. Baird (USA) - 1996
For contributions to document analysis and for service to IAPR

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay (India) - 2020
For contributions to machine learning, computer vision, and bioinformatics 

Eduardo Jose Bayro-Corrochano - 2006
For contributions to geometric computing for perception action systems.

Bir Bhanu (USA) - 2000
For contributions to pattern recognition and computer vision

Prabir Bhattacharya (USA) - 2002
For contributions to image understanding and processing.

Josef Bigun (Sweden) - 2000
For contributions to image understanding and for service to IAPR

Ruud M. Bolle (USA) - 1998
For contributions to industrial computer vision and for service to IAPR

Gunilla Borgefors (Sweden) - 1998
For contributions to digital geometry and for outstanding service to IAPR

Richard Bowden - 2016
For contributions to computer vision in the fields of sign language, gesture and activity recognition and service to IAPR

Kevin Wilson Bowyer - 2012
For contributions to computer vision, pattern recognition and biometrics

Kim L. Boyer (USA) - 2004
For contributions to computer vision and for service to IAPR.

Alberto Broggi - 2016
For contributions in the field of computer vision-based advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving

Michael Bronstein (Switzerland) - 2018
For contributions to 3D data acquisition, processing, representation and analysis

Joachim Buhmann (Switzerland) - 2020
For contributions to pattern recognition and statistical machine learning theory

Horst Bunke (Switzerland) - 1996
For contributions to structural pattern recognition and for service to IAPR

Hans Burkhardt (Germany) - 2002
For contributions to the theory and application of invariants to pattern recognition and for service to IAPR.

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Terrence M. Caelli (Canada) - 2002
For contributions to pattern recognition, image processing and machine learning.

Virginio Cantoni (Italy) - 1994
For contributions in architectures for computer vision and service to the IAPR

Serge G. Castan (France) - 1994
For contributions in computer vision, image understanding and parallel architecture for image processing and service to the IAPR

Andrea Cavallaro (UK) - 2018
For contributions to image processing and multi-sensor scene understanding

Bhabatosh Chanda - 2008
For contributions to the theory and practice of digital image processing and analysis.

Bidyut Baran Chaudhuri (India) - 1998
For contributions to character recognition and speech synthesis in Indian language

Santanu Chaudhury - 2014
For contributions to the field of image analysis and recognition

Ramalingam Chellappa (USA) - 1996
For contributions to theory and applications of Markov Random Fields and computer vision

C. L. Philip Chen (Hong Kong) - 2018
For contributions to machine learning algorithms and applications to image processing, security, recognition, and classification

Chi Hau Chen (USA) - 1996
For contributions to pattern recognition and its applications to geophysical and underwater acoustics problems

Songcan Chen (China) - 2018
For contributions to fuzzy clustering, feature extraction, and pattern classification

Xilin Chen - 2016
For contributions to image modeling and object recognition

Zen Chen - 2006
For contributions to computer vision and related applications, and for service to IAPR.

Mohamed Cheriet - 2016
For contributions to ancient manuscript processing, form construction, handwriting recognition, multidisciplinary application, and service to IAPR

Yiu-ming Cheung (Hong Kong) - 2024
For contributions to the fields of cluster analysis and visual computing as well as their applications

Roberto Cipolla (UK) - 2020
For contributions to geometric models in computer vision and scene understanding

Timothy Francis Cootes - 2010
For contributions to the development of statistical models of shape and appearance.

Luigi Cordella (Italy) - 1996
For contributions to image analysis and for service to IAPR

Marco Cristani (Italy) - 2022
For contributions to the design of pattern recognition methods for social signal processing

Rita Cucchiara - 2006
For contributions to pattern recognition for video-surveillance.

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Per-Erik Danielsson (Sweden) - 1994
For contributions to image processing and service to the IAPR

Mohammed Daoudi - 2014
For contributions to 3D shape analysis and retrieval and related applications

John Gustav Daugman - 2012
For contributions to computer vision, pattern recognition and biometrics

Emlyn Roy Davies - 2008
For contributions to the theory and practice of machine vision and its promotion through education, authorship and society activities.

Larry S. Davis (USA) - 2002
For contributions to computer vision and image understanding.

Leila De Floriani (Italy) - 1998
For contributions to geometric modeling and algorithm design for computer vision applications

Alberto Del Bimbo (Italy) - 2000
For contributions to image database management and forservice to IAPR

Andreas Dengel (Germany) - 2004
For contributions to document understanding and for service to IAPR.

Pierre A. Devijver (France) - 1994
For contributions in pattern recognition and image processing and outstanding leadership in the IAPR

Vito Di Gesú (Italy) - 1994
For contributions to fusion methodologies, architectures for machine vision, and segmentation techniques and service to the IAPR

Sven J. Dickinson (Canada) - 2018
For contributions to shape perception, object recognition, perceptual organization, and graph-based methods in computer vision

Xiaoqing Ding - 2006
For contributions to OCR, face recognition, biometric technology and document image analysis.

David Doermann - 2014
For contributions to the field of document image analysis and in recognition of service to the IAPR

Dov Dori (Israel) - 2000
For contributions to document analysis recognition

Michael J. B. Duff (UK) - 1994
For contributions to architectures for parallel processing, and outstanding leadership in the IAPR

Jean-Luc Dugelay (France) - 2018
For contributions to face recognition and soft biometrics

Robert P.W. Duin (The Netherlands) - 2002
For contributions to statistical pattern recognition and for service to IAPR.

Charles R. Dyer (USA) - 2002
For contributions to computer vision and image processing.

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Masakazu Ejiri (Japan) - 1996
For contributions to the development of machine vision technology and for outstanding service to IAPR

Jan-Olof Eklundh (Sweden) - 2002
For contributions to computer vision and for service to IAPR.

Sergio Escalera (Spain) - 2022
For contributions in pattern recognition and human behavior analysis

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Michael C. Fairhurst (UK) - 2004
For contributions to pattern recognition.

Aly A. Farag - 2016
For contributions to object modeling and biomedical applications

Michael Joachim Paulus Felsberg (Sweden) - 2024
For contributions to visual object tracking

Marco Ferretti (Italy) - 2000
For contributions to parallel architectures for image processingand for service to IAPR

Mário A. T. Figueiredo - 2008
For contributions to unsupervised and supervised learning, image analysis, and wavelet-based image restoration.

Robert B. Fisher - 2008
For contributions to 3D computer vision and the development of online resources important to the research community.

Andrew William Fitzgibbon - 2012
For contributions to 3D computer vision research and its applications

Patrick J. Flynn - 2006
For contributions to research in three-dimensional object recognition systems and biometrics.

Clinton Fookes (Australia) - 2024
For contributions to computer vision, machine learning and pattern recognition across video analysis, biometrics, and biosignal processing applications

Gian Luca Foresti - 2010
For contributions to image processing and pattern recognition in video surveillance systems

Herbert Freeman (USA) - 1994
For outstanding contributions in image analysis and map data processing and leadership in the IAPR

Yun Fu - 2016
For contributions to pattern recognition, data mining and visual intelligence

Hiromichi Fujisawa (Japan) - 2000
For contributions to document analysis and for service to IAPR

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Paolo Ettore Gamba (Italy) - 2020
For contributions to data fusion and remote sensing

Edzard S. Gelsema (The Netherlands) - 1994
For contributions to pattern recognition and service to the IAPR

Ashish Ghosh (India) - 2020
For contributions to neural and deep learning, and to image and video analysis

Giorgio Giacinto (Italy) - 2020
For contributions to pattern recognition for computer security

Dmitry B. Goldgof - 2010
For contributions to Computer Vision Pattern Recognition and Biomedical Engineering

Marco Gori - 2014
For contributions to neural networks and machine learning models for pattern recognition

Venu Govindaraju (USA) - 2004
For contributions to advances in handwriting recognition.

Igor B. Gurevich (Russian Federation) - 2004
For contributions to mathematical theory of image analysis and recognition, and for service to IAPR.

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Michal Haindl (Czech Republic) - 2004
For contributions to the theory and practice of model-based pattern recognition and for service to IAPR.

Lawrence O'Higgins Hall - 2010
For contributions to approximate knowledge integration into learning

Jungong Han (UK) - 2022
For contributions to multimedia content analysis, multimodal computer vision, and deep learning

Junwei Han (China) - 2022
For contributions to visual saliency computation and remote-sensing image analysis

Edwin Hancock (UK) - 2000
For contributions to structural and statistical pattern recognition, and to computer vision

Robert M. Haralick (USA) - 1994
For contributions to computer vision, image processing, and mathematical morphology and service to the IAPR

Jean Paul Haton (France) - 1996
For contributions to speech recognition

Ran He (China) - 2020
For contributions to biometrics, face recognition, and applications

Xiaofei He - 2014
For contributions to pattern recognition and manifold learning

Janne T. Heikkilä (Finland) - 2018
For contributions to 3D computer vision and image analysis

Anders Lars-Gunnar Heyden - 2016
For contributions to multiple view geometry and auto-calibration and for service to IAPR

Adrian Hilton (UK) - 2020
For contributions to the fields of 3D and 4D computer vision with applications in healthcare, design and entertainment

Vaclav Hlavac (Czech Republic) - 2004
For contributions to pattern analysis and image processing.

Tin Kam Ho (USA) - 2004
For contributions to multiple classifier systems, statistical pattern recognition, document image analysisand recognition, and for service to IAPR.

David Crossland Hogg - 2012
For contributions to learning in activity analysis and computer vision

Jianying Hu - 2010
For contributions to pattern recognition methodologies and applications and service to IAPR

Gang Hua - 2016
For contributions to visual computing and learning from unconstrained images and videos

De-Shuang Huang - 2014
For contributions to neural networks and biological data processing

Kaiqi Huang (China) - 2022
For contributions to video analysis and human vision-inspired visual models

Thomas S. Huang (USA) - 1994
For contributions to computer vision and image processing, including motion analysis and image compression and service to the IAPR

Tingwen Huang (Qatar) - 2022
For contributions in understanding the dynamics of neural networks in pattern recognition applications

Jonathan J. Hull (USA) - 2000
For contributions to document image analysis and for service to IAPR

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Katsushi Ikeuchi (Japan) - 2020
For fundamental contributions to computer vision applied to robotics and man-machine interaction

John Illingworth - 2010
For contributions to image processing and computer vision

Atsushi Imiya - 2008
For contributions to randomized model fitting approaches in pattern recognition and computer vision, and to discrete geometry.

Sebastiano Impedovo (Italy) - 1998
For contributions to handwriting recognition and document analysis, and for service to IAPR

Seiji Inokuchi (Japan) - 2000
For contributions to 3D computer vision and service to IAPR

Horace S. Ip (Hong Kong) - 2004
For contributions to theory and application of deformable model for image segmentation and pattern recognition, and for service to IAPR.

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Anil K. Jain (USA) - 1996
For contributions to statistical pattern recognition and range data analysis and for service to IAPR

Ramesh C. Jain (USA) - 2002
For contributions to machine vision research.

C. V. Jawahar - 2016
For contributions to computer vision, pattern recognition, and document image understanding

Qiang Ji - 2012
For contributions to face image analysis and applications

Rongrong Ji (China) - 2024
For contributions to neural network compression and efficient visual recognition

Tianzi Jiang (China) - 2020
For contributions in pattern recognition toward the understanding of brain organization and dysfunctions using neuroimaging

Xiaoyi Jiang - 2006
For contributions to range image analysis and structural pattern recognition, and for service to IAPR.

Yu-Gang Jiang (China) - 2022
For contributions to large-scale and trustworthy video understanding, and open-source datasets

Lianwen Jin (China) - 2024
For contributions to document image analysis and recognition, particularly scene text detection and recognition

Ir Pieter P. Jonker (The Netherlands) - 1994
For contributions to special purpose architectures and service to IAPR

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Mohamed S. Kamel - 2008
For contributions to fundamental, applied and industrial problems in pattern recognition and neural networks.

Laveen N. Kanal (USA) - 1994
For outstanding contributions to Markov random field models, search strategies, hybrid linguistic-statistical models and reasoning in uncertain domains

Kenichi Kanatani - 2016
For contributions to 3D computer vision analysis and computation

Mohan Kankanhalli (Singapore) - 2024
For contributions to multimedia content processing and multimedia security

Rangasami L. Kashyap (USA) - 1994
For outstanding contributions to pattern classification and computer vision

Rangachar Kasturi (USA) - 1996
For contributions to document analysis and for service to IAPR

Masatsugu Kidode (Japan) - 1994
For contributions to new architectures for pattern recognition and service to the IAPR

Jin H. Kim (Korea) - 2000
For contributions to handwritten oriental scripts recognition

Fumitaka Kimura - 2010
For contributions to handwriting recognition and its applications

Josef Kittler (UK) - 1998
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition, and for outstanding leadership in IAPR

Reinhard Koch (Germany) - 2022
For contributions to image-based 3D scene reconstruction, underwater imaging, and service to the IAPR

Walter G. Kropatsch (Austria) - 1994
For contributions to image processing and remote sensing and service to the IAPR

Adam Krzyzak (Canada) - 2020
For contributions to statistical pattern recognition and machine learning, and for service to IAPR 

Mineichi Kudo - 2008
For contributions to pattern classification and feature extraction.

Ajay Kumar - 2016
For contributions to human identification using biometrics

B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar - 2006
For contributions to frequency domain pattern recognition methods.

Ludmila Ilieva Kuncheva - 2012
For contributions to multiple classifier systems

Malay Kumar Kundu - 2010
For outstanding contributions in the development of theory, techniques and applications of image processing using soft computing and related mathematical methods

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Seong-Whan Lee (Korea) - 1998
For contributions to document understanding and for service to IAPR

Zhen Lei (China) - 2022
For contributions to face analysis and pattern recognition

Ales Leonardis (Slovenia) - 2002
For contributions to computer vision and for service to IAPR.

Stefano Levialdi (Italy) - 1994
For contributions to architectures for parallel image processing and and service to the IAPR

Martin D. Levine (Canada) - 1994
For contributions in computer vision and biomedical image processing and outstanding leadership in the IAPR

Ching-Chung Li - 2006
For contributions to biomedical pattern recognition and multiresolution image processing.

Stan Z. Li (China) - 2020
For outstanding contributions to face recognition research and applications

Xi Li (China) - 2024
For contributions to multi-factor coupling model learning, adaptive network model design, and knowledge-guided structural semantic understanding

Xuelong Li - 2010
For contributions to pattern recognition and image analysis

Shengcai Liao (China) - 2024
For contributions to face and person recognition and re-identification

Liang Lin (China) - 2022
For contributions to computational models for visual pattern matching and understanding

Zhouchen Lin - 2016
For contributions to image processing, computer vision and machine learning

Cheng-Lin Liu - 2012
For contributions to character recognition and document analysis, and services to the IAPR

Derong Liu - 2016
For contributions to neural networks and associative memories

Qingshan Liu (China) - 2024
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition

Wei Liu (China) - 2020
For contributions to machine learning, computer vision, and remote sensing 

Wenyin Liu - 2010
For contributions to graphics recognition, performance evaluation, document analysis, approaches to anti-phishing, and services to IAPR

Xiaoming Liu (USA) - 2020
For contributions to face and video analysis

Brian C. Lovell - 2008
For contributions to video and medical image analysis and service to the IAPR.

Jiwen Lu (China) - 2020
For contributions to human action recognition and applications

Jiebo Luo - 2010
For contributions to contextual inference in semantic understanding of images and video

Siwei Lyu (USA) - 2022
For contributions to digital media forensics

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Gerd Maderlechner (Germany) - 1994
For contributions to pattern recognition, interpretation technologies and their applications and service to the IAPR

Dwijesh Kr. Dutta Majumder (India) - 1994
For contributions to pattern recognition, image processing, computer vision and artificial intelligence and service to the IAPR

Davide Maltoni - 2010
For contributions to Biometrics and Fingerprint Recognition

Sébastien Marcel (Switzerland) - 2024
For pioneering contributions to biometric presentation attack detection

Takashi Matsuyama (Japan) - 1996
For contributions to image understanding and for service to IAPR

Ujjwal Maulik (India) - 2018
For contributions to pattern recognition and machine learning, with applications to image analysis and computational biology

Gerard G. Medioni (USA) - 2002
For contributions to pattern recognition and computer vision.

Tao Mei - 2016
For contributions to large-scale video analysis, understanding, and applications

Nasir Memon (USA) - 2020
For contributions to machine learning, biometrics, multimedia forensics, cryptography, and steganography 

Ajmal Saeed Mian (Australia) - 2022
For contributions to geometric deep learning, 3D shape representation, and facial analysis

Majid Mirmehdi - 2010
For contributions to Image Understanding and Computer Vision and services to IAPR

Sushmita Mitra - 2016
For contributions to neuro-fuzzy and hybrid approaches to pattern recognition and machine intelligence, with applications to bioinformatics and medical imaging

Hiroshi Murase (Japan) - 2022
For contributions to object and image recognition and quick video search

Vittorio Murino - 2006
For contributions to the design of probabilistic (graphical) methods for pattern recognition.

Fionn Murtagh - 2008
For contributions to clustering and analysis of massive and high dimensional data, with applications to astronomy.

Piero Mussio (Italy) - 1998
For contributions to image description and interpretation, and for service to IAPR

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Makoto Nagao (Japan) - 1994
For contributions to image analysis and recognition and service to the IAPR

Hans-Hellmut Nagel (Germany) - 1998
For contributions to image sequence analysis

George Nagy (USA) - 1998
For contributions to document image analysis and for service to IAPR

Masaki Nakagawa - 2008
For contributions to handwriting recognition and its applications.

Yasuaki Nakano (Japan) - 2000
For contributions to recognition of handwritten characters, document analysis and for service to IAPR

Liqiang Nie (China) - 2022
For contributions to multimedia content analysis and recognition

Heinrich Niemann (Germany) - 2002
For contributions to pattern recognition with applications to speech processing and image understanding, and for service to IAPR.

Hirobumi Nishida (Japan) - 2000
For contributions to structural pattern recognition and for service to IAPR

Mark Nixon - 2008
For contributions to biometrics and computer vision.

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Yuichi Ohta (Japan) - 2004
For contributions to computer vision and vision-based approach to image media, and for service to IAPR.

Erkki Oja (Finland) - 1994
For contributions to pattern recognition and image processing and and service to the IAPR

B. John Oommen - 2006
For contributions to fundamental and applied problems in syntactic and statistical pattern recognition.

Javier Ortega-Garcia (Spain) - 2018
For contributions to biometric recognition, especially in behavioral traits including speech and handwritten and human-device interactions

Shinji Ozawa (Japan) - 2000
For contributions to motion analysis and for service to IAPR

Lawrence O’Gorman (USA) - 1996
For contributions to document analysis

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Sankar K. Pal (India) - 2002
For contributions to pattern recognition and image processing using soft computing.

Umapada Pal - 2014
For contributions to Indian multiscript document processing and handwriting recognition and for service to the IAPR

Sharathchandra Pankanti - 2014
For contributions to the application of computer vision and pattern recognition technologies to video analytics, public safety and security

Maja Pantic - 2016
For contributions to affective and behavioural computing

João Paulo Papa (Brazil) - 2024
For contributions to graph-based approaches in pattern recognition and metaheuristics for optimizing pattern classifiers and for service to IAPR

Jussi P.S. Parkkinen (Finland) - 2002
For contributions to color and multispectral image processing, and for service to IAPR.

Vishal M. Patel (USA) - 2024
For contributions to image processing, computer vision and biometrics

Theo Pavlidis (USA) - 1994
For contributions to computer graphics and image processing and service to the IAPR

Shmuel Peleg (Israel) - 1994
For contributions to image analysis and computer vision and service to the IAPR

Marcello Pelillo - 2008
For contributions to graph-theoretic and optimization-based approaches in pattern recognition and computer vision.

Petra Perner - 2006
For contributions to image interpretation by developing methods for case-based reasoning, machine learning and data mining, and for service to IAPR.

Maria Petrou (UK) - 2000
For contributions to image processing and for service to IAPR

P. Jonathon Phillips - 2008
For contributions to face recognition and evaluation methodologies.

Matti K. Pietikainen (Finland) - 1994
For contributions to machine vision and its applications in industry and service to the IAPR

Re’jean Plamondon (Canada) - 1994
For contributions to handwriting and document recognition and service to the IAPR

Salil Prabhakar - 2012
For contributions to biometrics technology

Andrea Prati - 2014
For contributions to low- and high-level algorithms for video surveillance

Pavel Pudil (Czech Republic) - 2000
For contributions to statistical pattern recognition and for service to IAPR

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Guo-Jun Qi (USA) - 2022
For contributions to pattern recognition for computer vision and multimedia computing

Yu Qiao (China) - 2024
For contributions to facial image analysis and video understanding

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Petia Radeva - 2016
For contributions to computer vision, machine learning, egocentric vision, life-logging, and medical imaging

Nalini K. Ratha - 2008
For contributions to biometric authentication.

Elisa Ricci (Italy) - 2024
For contributions to multimodal human behaviour analysis and adaptation methods for visual recognition models

Fabio Roli (Italy) - 2004
For contributions to pattern recognition and its applications and multiple classifier systems.

Azriel Rosenfeld (USA) - 1994
For outstanding contributions to pattern recognition and image processing and leadership in the IAPR

Paul L. Rosin (UK) - 2018
For contributions to image processing and computer vision

Arun A. Ross (USA) - 2018
For contributions that significantly advance biometric technologies; extend considerably its infrastructure; and enable its continuing scientific advances

Amit K Roy-Chowdhury - 2016
For contributions to collaborative sensing and distributed processing in camera networks with applications in tracking, re-identification, and activity recognition

Yong Rui - 2012
For contributions to visual pattern analysis, recognition and retrieval

Jose Ruiz-Shulcloper - 2012
For contributions to pattern recognition and data mining, and services to the IAPR

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Punam Kumar Saha - 2016
For contributions to digital topology and geometry and their application

Toshiyuki Sakai (Japan) - 1994
For contributions to pattern recognition and outstanding leadership in the IAPR

Katsuhiko Sakaue - 2006
For contributions to computer vision and its applications.

Hiroshi Sako (Japan) - 2004
For contributions to the development and application of machine vision technology for factory and office automation.

H. Samet (USA) - 1996
For contributions to hierarchical data structures for image analysis and representation

Alberto Sanfeliu (Spain) - 1994
For contributions to syntactic and structural pattern recognition and service to the IAPR

Gabriella Sanniti di Baja (Italy) - 2000
For exceptional service to IAPR and for contributions to image analysis

Carlo Sansone (Italy) - 2022
For contributions in pattern recognition and biomedical image analysis

Sudeep Sarkar - 2008
For contributions to computer vision, particularly perceptual organization, segmentation and grouping, and to the evaluation of vision algorithms.

Shigeru Sasaki - 2010
For contributions to image processing and its applications in industry

Yoichi Sato (Japan) - 2024
For contributions to computer vision and for service to IAPR

Raimondo Schettini - 2010
For contributions to pattern recognition research and color image analysis

Bernt Schiele (Germany) - 2018
For contributions to large-scale object recognition, human detection and pose estimation

Jurgen Schurmann (Germany) - 1998
For contributions to character recognition and polynomial classifiers, and for the service to IAPR

Stan Sclaroff - 2016
For contributions in tracking, human gesture analysis, shape recognition, and video databases

Nicu Sebe - 2012
For contributions to human behaviour understanding and multimedia

Mubarak Shah - 2006
For contributions to motion-based recognition and shape from shading in computer vision.

Ling Shao (UK) - 2018
For contributions to human action recognition and video understanding

Linda G. Shapiro (USA) - 2000
For contributions to computer vision and structural pattern recognition

Dinggang Shen (USA) - 2018
For contributions to biomedical applications of pattern recognition and medical image analysis

Yoshiaki Shirai (Japan) - 1998
For contributions to three-dimensional object recognition and for service to IAPR

Jean-Claude Simon (France) - 1994
For contributions in pattern recognition and outstanding leadership in the IAPR

Richa Singh (India) - 2018
For contributions to face recognition and pattern classification

Jack Sklansky (USA) - 1994
For contributions to pattern recognition, machine vision and medical imaging and service to the IAPR

Arnold W. M. Smeulders (The Netherlands) - 2000
For contributions to image analysis and content-based image database retrieval

Franc Solina (Slovenia) - 2002
For contributions to interpretation of range images and for service to IAPR.

A. Lawrence Spitz (New Zealand) - 2004
For contributions to document recognition and for service to IAPR.

Sargur N. Srihari (USA) - 1996
For contributions to character recognition and for service to IAPR

Anuj Srivastava - 2014
For contributions to statistical techniques on nonlinear manifolds for applications in pattern recognition, and to shape analysis of curves and surfaces

David G. Stork - 2008
For contributions to pattern recognition education, machine learning, speech recognition, and the application of computer vision to the study of art.

Ching Y. Suen (Canada) - 1994
For contributions to optical character recognition and document understanding and service to the IAPR

Zhenan Sun - 2016
For contributions to automatic iris recognition and applications

Tamas Sziranyi - 2008
For contributions to stochastic models and learning methods for video event analysis, and to energy optimization-based image and video segmentation.

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Johji Tajima (Japan) - 2002
For contributions to color image processing and 3D vision.

Mikio Takagi (Japan) - 1994
For contributions to image processing and pattern recognition and service to the IAPR

Chew Lim Tan - 2012
For contributions to document analysis, and services to the IAPR

Tieniu Tan - 2006
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition.

Jinhui Tang (China) - 2022
For contributions to multimedia content analysis and recognition, and tensor completion methods

Yuan Y. Tang (Hong Kong) - 2004
For contributions to wavelet analysis, pattern recognition and document analysis.

Steven L. Tanimoto (USA) - 2000
For contributions to image processing

Dacheng Tao - 2012
For contributions to pattern recognition and image understanding

Torfinn Taxt (Norway) - 2000
For contributions to multispectral image analysis

Christopher J. Taylor (UK) - 2004
For contributions to the theory and practice of computer vision and medical image analysis, and for service to IAPR.

Jie Tian - 2014
For contributions to fingerprint recognition and medical imaging

Yingli Tian (USA) - 2020
For contributions to automatic facial expression analysis and human activity understanding 

Massimo Tistarelli - 2008
For contributions to computer vision, and biometrics research and education.

Jun-ichiro Toriwaki (Japan) - 1998
For contributions to medical image analysis and for service to IAPR

Philip Hilaire Torr - 2012
For contributions to robust computer vision

Mohan Manubhai Trivedi - 2010
For contributions to vision systems for situational awareness, intelligent robotics and human-centered vehicle safety systems

Emanuele Trucco - 2016
For contributions to computer vision and applications

Saburo Tsuji (Japan) - 1996
For contributions to computer vision and for outstanding service to IAPR

Matthew Turk - 2014
For contributions to computer vision and vision based interaction

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Ventzeslav Valev (Bulgaria) - 1998
For contributions to pattern recognition theory and for service to IAPR

Mayank Vatsa (India) - 2022
For contributions in secure biometric recognition

Svetha Venkatesh (Australia) - 2004
For contributions to the formulation and extraction of semantics in multimedia data.

Mario Vento (Italy) - 2004
For contributions to graph based learning and matching techniques, and for service to IAPR.

Gianni L. Vernazza (Italy) - 2002
For contributions to image processing and pattern recognition.

René Vidal - 2016
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition

Enrique Vidal-Ruis (Spain) - 1996
For contributions to syntactic pattern recognition

Max A. Viergever (The Netherlands) - 2002
For contributions to biomedical applications of computer vision and pattern recognition, and for service to IAPR.

Juan Jose Villanueva (Spain) - 2004
For contributions to research and the transfer of innovation and technology in computer vision.

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Jingdong Wang (China) - 2018
For contributions to multimedia search, similarity search, attention analysis, and video surveillance

Jun Wang - 2012
For contributions to neurodynamics and its applications

Liang Wang - 2014
For contributions to video understanding and pattern recognition

Meng Wang (China) - 2020
For contributions to multimedia content analysis and recognition

Patrick S. P. Wang (USA) - 1994
For contributions to pattern recognition, optical character recognition and service to the IAPR

Yunhong Wang (China) - 2018
For contributions to biometrics, computer vision, and pattern recognition

Zhen Wang (China) - 2024
For contributions to behavior patterns of AI agents and humans, as well as their applications

Harry Wechsler (USA) - 1998
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition, and for service to IAPR

Richard Charles Wilson - 2010
For contributions to structural pattern recognition

Xiaojun Wu (China) - 2022
For contributions to image and video representation, image and multimodal fusion, and particle swarm optimization for pattern recognition

Ying Wu (USA) - 2020
For contributions to visual motion and pattern analysis in computer vision 

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Changsheng Xu - 2014
For contributions to multimedia content analysis

Dong Xu - 2016
For contributions to machine learning for visual recognition and domain adaption

Lei Xu (Hong Kong) - 2002
For contributions to studies on Randomized Hough Transform and combination of multiple classifiers.

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Kazuhiko Yamamoto (Japan) - 1996
For contributions to character recognition and for service to IAPR

Hong Yan (Hong Kong) - 2000
For contributions to document image analysis

Junchi Yan (China) - 2024
For contributions to (quantum) graph optimization especially with machine learning and computer vision for remote sensing

Shuicheng Yan - 2014
For contributions to computer vision and pattern recognition

Jian Yang - 2016
For contributions to 2D image representation and discriminant analysis

Qiang Yang - 2012
For contributions to data mining and transfer learning

Yi Yang (China) - 2024
For contributions to cross-media analysis and visual object retrieval

Gary G. Yen (USA) - 2022
For contributions in pattern recognition and optimization for intelligent systems

Naokazu Yokoya - 2016
For contributions to image processing, computer vision, and mixed and augmented reality

Ian T. Young (The Netherlands) - 2000
For contributions to image analysis and pattern recognition

Junsong Yuan (Singapore) - 2018
For contributions to human action and gesture analysis

Pong Chi Yuen (Hong Kong) - 2018
For contributions to subspace learning and information fusion for visual recognition

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Josiane Zerubia (France) - 2020
For contributions to stochastic image modeling for classification, segmentation, and object detection in remote sensing 

Daoqiang Zhang (China) - 2020
For contributions to fuzzy clustering, dimensionality reduction, and medical image analysis 

David Zhang - 2006
For contributions to biometrics technologies and systems.

Huaguang Zhang (China) - 2018
For contributions to stability analysis of recurrent time-delay neural networks and identification of weak signals

Zhaoxiang Zhang (China) - 2024
For contributions to pattern recognition and visual perception

Zhongfei Zhang (USA) - 2022
For contributions to data understanding and mining

Guoying Zhao (Finland) - 2020
For contributions to video analysis and affective computing

Wei-Shi Zheng (China) - 2024
For the contribution to person re-identification and action recognition

Jie Zhou - 2016
For contributions to biometrics, computer vision, and image processing

Zhi-Hua Zhou - 2012
For contributions to machine learning, data mining, and pattern recognition