The Maria Petrou Prize is given to a living female scientist/engineer who has made substantial contributions to the field of Pattern Recognition and whose past contributions, current research activity and future potential may be regarded as a model to both aspiring and established researchers. It honors the memory of Professor Maria Petrou as a scientist of the first rank, and particularly her role as a pioneer for women researchers.
COMING SOON: Open Call for Nominations for the Maria Petrou Prize.
The next Maria Petrou Prize will be presented at ICPR 2026, to be held August 16-20, 2026, in Lyon, France.
This page displays the criteria and selection information for the 2024 Maria Petrou Prize, which may change somewhat for the 2026 Maria Petrou Prize.
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Call for Nominations for the 2024 Maria Petrou Prize
A copy of the completed form is emailed to the person submitting it, the chair of the committee, the secretariat, and the webmaster (for redundancy and troubleshooting purposes). Revised submissions are accepted up until the final deadline. To make changes, resubmit the form with the new information. Only the most recent submission will be used to evaluate the nominee.
The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the Maria Petrou Prize, honoring the memory of Professor Maria Petrou as a scientist and engineer of the first rank, and particularly in her role as a pioneer for women researchers and highly successful role model. She is widely recognized for her extensive contributions to the fields of image processing and pattern recognition and also made significant contributions to the growth of IAPR, covering prominent leadership roles.
This biennial prize is awarded to a living woman scientist/engineer who has made substantial contributions to the field of Pattern Recognition (or a closely related field), and whose past contributions, current research activity and future potential may be regarded as a model to both aspiring and established researchers. The 2024 prize will be presented at the
27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2024)
Kolkata, India
December 1-5, 2024
The prize recipient is expected to present an invited talk at the conference and to provide a contribution to the special issue of Pattern Recognition Letters that will include extended versions of all papers that received an IAPR award at the most recent ICPR.
The prize recipient shall be selected by the Maria Petrou Prize Committee, subject to approval by the IAPR Governing Board, upon nomination by a member of a national member society of IAPR and by the endorsement of two more members, at least one of whom must be a woman. Members of the IAPR Executive Committee, as well as of the Maria Petrou Prize Committee, shall be ineligible for the prize and may not serve as nominators or endorsers.
Links to the nomination and endorsement forms can be found below. Only complete applications will be considered for the 2024 Maria Petrou Prize.
Linda O’Gorman, IAPR Secretariat
Maria Petrou Prize Nomination Form (Google Form)
Maria Petrou Prize Endorsement Form (Google Form)
2024 Award Winner in Kolkata
Guoying Zhao
For contributions to video analysis for facial micro-behavior recognition and remote bio-signal reading (RPPG) for heart rate analysis and face anti-spoofing.
2022 Award Winner in Montreal
Yunhong Wang
For contributions to pattern recognition and biometrics, service to the IAPR community and being a role model as leading scientist.
2020 Award Winner in Milan
Professor Maja Pantic
For contributions to artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in computer vision and machine learning applied to automatic analysis of human faces, machine understanding of human behaviour, and multimodal recognition of human emotions.
2018 Award Winner in Beijing
Rita Cucchiara
For pioneering contributions to tracking and reidentification, and as a role model for early career researchers.
2016 Award Winner in Cancun
Professor Michal Irani
For pioneering contributions to space-time video analysis, motion estimation and image analysis by composition, and as a role model for early career researchers striving for excellence and rigour in the fields of computer vision and pattern recognition.