ICDAR recognizes a scholar under the age of 40 that has made significate contributions to the field of document analysis and recognition.
An ICDAR Award Program has been established to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Document Analysis and Recognition in one or more of the following areas:
- Research
- Training of students
- Research/Industry interaction
- Service to the Profession
Every two years, two awards categories are presented. Namely, the Outstanding Achievement Award and the Young Researcher Award (less than 40 years old at the time the award is made). Each award consists of a token gift and a suitably inscribed certificate. The recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award is also invited to deliver the Opening Keynote Speech at ICDAR.
A call for nominations is circulated by TC10 and TC11 about six months before an ICDAR takes place.
To recognize excellence and impact of the IAPR’s Technical Committees (TCs), the IAPR Executive Committee (ExCo) established two awards: The Outstanding TC Award and the Special Achievements Award.
The criteria for both awards are the same: excellence and impact of organized events, educational activities, and member/leader development and governance.
All IAPR Technical Committees are eligible to receive these awards which will be given biennially at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). A Call for Nominations will be sent to TC Chairs prior to the next ICPR.
The first awards were announced at ICPR2024, Kolkata, India.
To recognize excellence and impact of the IAPR’s Technical Committees (TCs), the IAPR Executive Committee (ExCo) established two awards: The Outstanding TC Award and the Special Achievements Award.
The criteria for both awards are the same: excellence and impact of organized events, educational activities, and member/leader development and governance.
All IAPR Technical Committees are eligible to receive these awards which will be given biennially at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). A Call for Nominations will be sent to TC Chairs prior to the next ICPR.
The first awards were announced at ICPR2024, Kolkata, India.
2021 Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr. Mickaël Coustaty
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator Award for his notable contributions in developing systems for historical documents processing and his dedicated commitment to the document analysis community.
2019 Sydney, Australia
Dr. Faisal Shafait
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator award for his outstanding contributions to document image analysis and computational forensics.
Dr. Xiang Bai
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator award for his outstanding contributions to scene text understanding.
2017 Kyoto, Japan
Dr. Alicia Fornes
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator Award for outstanding contributions in the recognition of handwriting, text and graphics, with high impact to the field of Digital Humanities, and her service to the IAPR Technical Committee on Graphics Recognition.
2015 Nancy, France
Dr. Marcus Liwicki
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator Award for innovative and fundamental research on machine learning, handwritingrecognition, forensics, document analysis and graph matching, as well as excellent services to the ICDAR community.
2013 Washington D.C., USA
Dr. Dimosthenis Karatzas
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator Award for outstanding service to the ICDAR community in a variety of roles, as well as innovative research in human perception-based document analysis.
2011 Beijing, China
Dr. Masakazu Iwamura
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator Award for his outstanding contributions to camera-based document analysis and document image retrieval.
2009 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Dr. Katrin Franke
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator Award for her outstanding contributions to handwriting analysis and computational forensics.
2007 Parana, Curitiba, Brazil
Prof. Josep Llados
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator Award for his outstanding service to the ICDAR community and his innovative research in graphics recognition.
2005 Seoul, South Korea
Dr. Apostolos Antonacopoulos
ICDAR Young Scientist Award for outstanding service to the ICDAR community and his innovative research in historical document processing applications
Dr. Cheng-Lin Liu
ICDAR Young Scientist Award for his outstanding research in Handwritten Kanji Character Recognition and its impact on industrial applications
2003 Edinburgh, Scotland
Dr. Liu Wenyin
ICDAR Young Scientist Award
Dr. Umadapa Pal
ICDAR Young Scientist Award
2001 Seattle, USA
Prof. Venu Govindaraju
ICDAR Outstanding Young Investigator Award
1999 Bangalore, India
Dr. Atul Chhabra
ICDAR Young Scientist Award
Dr. Tin Kam Ho
ICDAR Young Scientist Award
1997 Ulm, Germany
Prof. Andreas Dengel
ICDAR Young Investigator Award