
It is our pleasure to announce the 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR-2014) that will take place on September 1-4, 2014 in the island of Crete, Greece.

The ICFHR provides a forum for researchers in the areas of on-line and off-line handwriting recognition, pen-based interface systems, form processing, handwritten-based digital libraries, and web document access and retrieval.

The series of the ICFHR conferences is a continuation of the ten IWFHRs (Montreal 1990, Chateau de Bonas 1991, Buffalo 1993, Taipei 1994, Colchester 1996, Taejon 1998, Amsterdam 2000, Niagara on the Lake 2002, Tokyo 2004, La Baule 2006).

Previous ICFHR conferences were held in Montreal 2008, Kolkata 2010 and Bari 2012.

Time left to accept the Ice Bucket Challenge of ICFHR 2014 Chairs:


ICFHR 2014 is an IAPR sponsored conference.

International Association for Pattern Recognition

ICFHR 2014 is organized by:

Democritus University of Thracencsr_logoAthena Research and Innovation Center