Other info

Time in Greece is: GMT +2

Currency – Exchange
The currency is the Euro. Coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents and of 1 and 2 euros are in circulation and notes circulate in values of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros.

Exchange rates may vary. To see current exchange rates, please visit xe.com or x-rates.com.

Electric current – electrical appliances
The electric current in use is 220 V (50Hz). In order for appliances from North America to function properly, and without problems, a transformer is necessary (schucko adaptor). For appliances from UK and Ireland a special adaptor is necessary. Make sure that the appliances you are going to use function at this voltage before use.

International Call code – Calls from and to
The international call code for Greece is +30. If you wish to make a call from abroad, you should call +30, followed by the telephone number. If you wish to call another country from Crete, dial 00 and then the code of the country and the telephone number.