Call for Papers

We  are  pleased  to  issue  this  call  for  papers  for  the  Fourteenth  International  Conference  on  Frontiers of Handwriting Recognition  (ICFHR  2014),  sponsored  by  the  International  Association  for  Pattern  Recognition (IAPR)  TC-10  (Graphics  Recognition)  and  TC-11  (Reading  Systems).  The  Conference  will  be  held  in the island of Crete, Greece from September  1-4th, 2014.  ICFHR is the premier international forum for researchers and practitioners in the document analysis community for identifying, encouraging and exchanging ideas on  the  state-of-the-art  technology  in  document  analysis,  understanding,  retrieval,  and  performance  evaluation.  The term  document  in  the  context  of  ICFHR  encompasses  a  broad  range  of  documents  from  historical  forms  such  as palm leaves and papyrus to traditional documents and modern multimedia documents.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Handwriting Recognition Techniques
  • Cursive Script Recognition
  • Symbol, Equation, Sketch and Drawing Recognition
  • Handwritten Document Processing and Understanding
  • Computational Linguistics and Information Integration
  • Web-Based Applications
  • Handwritten Databases and Digital Libraries
  • Information Extraction & Retrieval
  • Document Characterization
  • Form Processing
  • Word spotting
  • Bank-Check Processing
  • Historical Document Processing
  • Forensic Studies and Security Issues
  • Writer Verification and Identification
  • Performance Enhancement and System Evaluation
  • Electronic Ink and Pen-Based Systems

Paper Submission
Manuscripts of a maximum length of six pages are encouraged to be submitted. Papers must describe original work on any of the ICFHR related topics. The format templates and instructions for paper submission will be available  on the Conference web site. The deadline for paper submission is February 10, 2014.

Important Dates
10 February 2014
: Paper Submission  (original deadline)
28 February 2014: Paper Submission (new extended deadline)
21 April 2014: Acceptance Notification
12 May 2014: Camera Ready Papers