Instructions for presentations

Oral Presentations
Oral presenters will have in total 20 minutes for their presentations (approximately 15 minutes for the talk, and 5 minutes for questions). All speakers are kindly requested to submit their presentations to the conference secretariat at least 1 hour before the start of their session. Please make sure you introduce yourself to the session chair at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of your session.


Poster Presentations
Poster boards will be 180cm high and 95cm wide. Authors are recommended to prepare their poster of A0 (118.9cm high and 84.1cm wide) or smaller size in portrait orientation.

Poster boards will be pre-numbered and the presenting author should have the poster attached on the board of assigned number before the start of the poster session. Authors are expected to explain the technical contents to the attendees during the assigned sessions. If an author has more than one poster in a session, they should make arrangements to have someone else presenting the second poster. If the authors would like to show demonstrations, they should use their own laptop with battery. The organizer will not provide desks and electricity for poster presentations.