Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation II (MICHE II)
Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation II (MICHE II)
Mobile biometric identification devices are the new frontier for secure use of data and services, and extend the functionality and capabilities of a traditional biometric identification system, by allowing capture of biometric traits in any place; captured information can be compared with that stored on the device itself, on a remote server or even within RFID tags, smartcards or recent machine readable identification documents (IDs).
Mobile biometric identification devices incorporate all necessary equipment for the capture of one or more biometric traits. However, they must be designed for intuitive operation, especially if it is not planned to assist users during sample capture. The captured data must be suitably converted by software into digital templates for storage and matching against other records, which are held in either a local or remote database. As for feature extraction, storing and processing, it is to consider that, notwithstanding the continuous advances in technology and resources, the ability to transfer all the phases of biometric processing on a mobile device calls for faster as well as lighter procedures, and for a more efficient storage strategy.
Iris is a natural candidate for mobile biometric recognition for two main reasons: iris acquisition is little intrusive, and iris codes are among the less expensive templates from the storage point of view. However, present techniques must be suitably adapted to the mobile setting. This contest aims at collecting relevant contributions to the field of iris recognition in both academy and industry.
We would like to invite your participation in the international competition, namely “Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation II” (MICHE II). The seven best performing algorithms will be published, as extended versions of ICPR papers after a peer review, in a dedicated executable Special Issue on Pattern Recognition Letters.
In order to join the MICHE-II competition, each participant is asked to follow carefully the instruction included in the protocol at the link: