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Plenary Lecture Prizes

Prof. Robert Haralick

Plenary Lecture of the K.S. Fu Prize winner of 2016, "For contributions in image analysis, including remote sensing, texture analysis, mathematical morphology, consistent labeling, and system performance evaluation."

Prof. Fei Fei Li

Plenary Lecture of the J. K. Aggarwal Prize winner of 2016 "For seminal contributions to object and event classification using learning methodologies based on statistical and neuroscience principles."

Prof. Michal Irani

Plenary Lecture of the Maria Petrou Prize winner of 2016, “For pioneering contributions to space-time video analysis, motion estimation and image analysis by composition, and as a role model for early career researchers striving for excellence and rigour in the fields of computer vision and pattern recognition.”

Invited Lectures

Josien Pluim

Groningen University, the Netherlands

Wolfgang Förstner

Prof. Dr.-Ing. em. Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Bonn, Germany

Ricardo Baeza-Yates

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

Marc Pollefeys

ETH Zurich and Microsoft, Zurich Switzerland

Invited  Lectures:

Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Track 1 – (Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning)

Pollefeys Marc, Track 2 –  (Computer Vision)

Wolfgang Förstner, Talk, Track 3 – (Image, Speech, Signal and Video Processing)

Pluim Josien, Track 5 –  (Biomedical Image Analysis and Applications)


Plenary Lecture Prizes:

K.S. Fu Prize winner – Prof. Robert Haralick, City University of New York

J. K. Aggarwal Prize winner – Prof. Fei Fei Li, Stanford University

Maria Petrou Prize winner – Michal Irani,  Weizmann Institute of Science