ICPR 2016 follows a single-blind review process. Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their papers as illustrated in the sample templates.
Concurrent Submission Policy:
Dual submission or concurrent submission to the ICPR’2016 conference and other conference or journal are not allowed.
Template for 6 pages lenght Paper in Word or Latex can be downloaded here
1. Creating a user profile
Access the ICPR 2016 Paper Submission server
Input information
Follow the PIN link to get to the PIN (Personal Identification Number) Wizard.
- Every author needs to create and maintain a current personal profile in the system.
- The system needs to store the following information on authors:
- Full Name, Contact address, E-mail, PIN, Password and Research interest profile
This information is requested from the author at the time he/she opens the account on the system. The information stored on the system is available to ICPR’s conference administrators and is not shared by any third party mailing list or marketers.
2. Submitting a manuscript
- Manuscript length: 6 pages maximum. This is a strict limit for initial submission.
- Prepare your paper in A4 format using the LaTeX or the MS-Word template given above.
The paper submission server can be accessed through the “Submit a contribution to ICPR 2016” link on http://iapr.papercept.net
The following information is required for submitting a manuscript and uploading a manuscript file:
PINs of all co-authors of the manuscript – it is necessary to enter all PINs at this stage to prevent potential conflicts. The PINs of co-authors can be found by following the link
For consistency please enter the PINs in the same order as the names appear on the manuscript. You will need to designate one of the authors as the “corresponding author.” Only the corresponding author may update submission information, re-upload the paper, or submit the final paper.
Title of your paper
You will be allowed to specify an ordered set of one to three keywords for your paper. The list of keywords is available in the paper submission server, but if you would like to plan ahead, you can see the list of keywords on
Note that the keywords are grouped under the five ICPR 2016 tracks. All three keywords will be used in assigning your paper to appropriate reviewers. During submission you have to choose explicitly which track to submit to.
Approximately 200-word “text only” abstract.
A compliance tested PDF file of your paper. You may test whether the file is compliant by following the link “Test your PDF file”.
You should have the authority to sign a “Commitment Statement” to the effect that you will comply with conference policy regarding registration and final manuscript submission.
Request notification
If you want an e-mail notification to be sent to the corresponding author, please check the checkbox titled ‘Send an e-mail notification’ which is unchecked by default.
Please follow all instructions on the paper submission server to submit your paper. Additional information on the paper submission process is available at the following address http://iapr.papercept.net/conferences/manuals/authorgetstarted.pdf
If you encounter any problem during the paper submission process, and cannot resolve it after consulting this user manual, please contact contact_info@icpr2016.org