Piero Zamperoni Best Student Paper Award (PZBSPA)
The primary purpose of this award is to acknowledge and encourage excellence in pattern recognition research by students, and to help assure the future livelihood of the field. The award also honors the memory of Dr. Piero Zamperoni, an outstanding educator in pattern recognition. Eligibility for the award is restricted to papers authored or co-authored by a student. There must be no more than two authors, and if only one author of a co-authored paper is a student, then the other author must certify that the work presented in the paper is primarily the work of the student. The student author must have been a registered student at the time of paper submission.
The Award is offered by Elsevier (publisher of the IAPR affiliated journal Pattern Recognition Letters) and consists of a cash amount of $1,000 (one thousand US dollars), a 2-year free subscription to Pattern Recognition Letters, and a suitably inscribed certificate.
IBM Best Student Paper Awards (IBMBSPA)
The awards are given to the best student paper in each of the five ICPR tracks to acknowledge and encourage excellence in research by students in all areas of Pattern Recognition, and to help assure the future livelihood and sustainability of the field. Eligibility for the award is restricted to papers authored or co-authored by a student who must have been a registered student at the time of paper submission. The Awards are offered by IBM. Each award consists of $400 (four hundred US dollars) and a suitably inscribed certificate.
Best Industry Related Paper Award (BIRPA)
This award is administrated by the IAPR Industrial Liaison Committee and its primary purpose is to acknowledge and encourage excellence research with potential for viable commercial impact. The award is derived from the general “Prizes and Awards” budget of IAPR and consists of a cash amount of $1,000 (one thousand US dollars) and a suitably inscribed certificate.
Intel Best Scientific Paper Award (INTEL BSPA)
Five best scientific paper awards, one for each ICPR Track, will be given to papers selected by the Technical Program Committee of ICPR. The Awards are offered by Educational INTEL. Each award consists of $400 (four hundred US dollars) and a suitably inscribed certificate.