Lucia Maddalena and Pierre-Marc Jodoin

Contest 05

Lucia Maddalena and Pierre-Marc Jodoin

Contest 05


Contest Organizers

Dataset contributors


    • Yi Wang, Ph.D student, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
      Webmaster, software developer
  • Martin Cousineau, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
    Webmaster, software developer
  • Staff of the CVPRLab (, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
    Specifically: Francesco Battistone, Vincenzo De Angelis, Francesco Maiorano, Gianmaria Perillo, Gabriele Perna, Mario Ruggieri, and Pierpaolo Sepe.

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All session by Lucia Maddalena and Pierre-Marc Jodoin

Scene Background Modeling (SBMC2016)

14:00 - 18:00
Hotel Krystal - Room Krystal II