Speaker biography: Jan Flusser received the M.Sc. degree in mathematical engineering from the Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic in 1985 and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in 1990. Since 1985 he has been with the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague. In 1995-2007 he was holding the position of a head of Department of Image Processing. In 2007 he was appointed the Director of the Institute. Since 1991 he has been also affiliated with the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague and with the Czech Technical University, Prague (full professorship in 2004), where he gives undergraduate and graduate courses on Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition and specialized graduate course on Invariants and wavelets. He has research and teaching experience from many universities and institutions worldwide.
Jan Flusser has a 25-years experience in basic and applied research on the field of image analysis, pattern recognition, and related fields. He has been involved in applications in remote sensing, medicine, and astronomy. He has authored and coauthored more than 200 research publications in these areas. He has presented more than 20 tutorials and invited/keynote talks at international conferences (ICIP’05, ICIP’07, EUSIPCO’07, CVPR’08, FUSION’08, SPPRA’09, SCIA’09, ICIP’09, SPPRA’10, COMPSTAT’06, WIO’06, DICTA’07, AIA’14, and others). Some of his journal papers became classical and are frequently cited (Google Scholar reports more than 10 000 citations of J. Flusser’s publications).
- Flusser has received several national and international scientific awards and prizes (Scopus 1000 Award, Felber Medal, Czech Science Foundation Award, The Czech Academy of Sciences Prize, and several best paper awards). His book Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition, Wiley, 2009, has become the world-wide textbook and the main reference on the field of moment-based image analysis.
Speaker biography: Filip Sroubek received the MS degree in computer science from the Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic in 1998 and the PhD degree in computer science from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic in 2003. From 2004 to 2006, he was on a postdoctoral position in the Instituto de Optica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain. In 2010 and 2011, he was the Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is currently with the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, the Czech Academy of Sciences, as the vice-head of the image processing department, and gives a graduate course on variational methods in image processing at the Czech Technical University and Charles University.
His research covers all aspects of image processing, in particular, image restoration (denoising, blind deconvolution, super-resolution) and image fusion (multimodal, multifocus). He is an author of 8 book chapters and over 60 journal and conference papers. In addition, he co-authored several tutorials at major international conferences (ICIP’05, EUSIPCO’07, CVPR’08, ICCV’15) and was a keynote speaker at SPIE-IS&T’15 and ICIIP’13. He is a co-inventor of two patents.
His scientific achievements were awarded by several national prizes – the Josef Hlavka Student Prize, the Otto Wichterle Premium of the Czech Academy of Sciences for excellent young scientists, and the Czech Science Foundation Award.
Speaker biography: Barbara Zitova received the M.Sc. degree in computer science and the Ph.D. degree in software systems from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, in 1995 and 2000, respectively. Since 1995, she has been with the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences. Since 2008, she has been the Head of the Department of Image Processing. She gives undergraduate and graduate courses on digital image processing and wavelets in image processing with the Czech Technical University and Charles University. Her research interests include geometric invariants, image enhancement, image registration and image fusion, and image processing applications in cultural heritage and medical imaging.
She has authored/coauthored over 60 research publications in these areas, including monographs Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition (Wiley, 2009), 2D and 3D Image Analysis by Moments (Wiley, 2016), and tutorials at major conferences (ICIP’05, ICIP’07, EUSIPCO’07, CVPR’08, ICIP’09). Some of her journal papers became classical and are frequently cited (Google Scholar reports more than 7 000 citations of B, Zitova’s publications).
She has received several awards – the Josef Hlavka Student Prize, the Otto Wichterle Premium of the Czech Academy of Sciences for excellent young scientists, Czech Science Foundation Award, The Czech Academy of Sciences Prize, several best paper awards, and the SCOPUS 1000 Award for more than 1000 citations of a single paper in 2010.