Track 5 – (Biomedical Image Analysis and Applications)

08 Dic 2016
14:00 - 15:00
Gran Cancun T1

Track 5 – (Biomedical Image Analysis and Applications)

Validation of image registration ¡© the truth is hard to make

Medical image registration has been a topic of research for many decades by now. In those years, enormous progress has been achieved in terms of the quality of the solutions, the complexity of problems that can be tackled and the speed of computation. There is one aspect falling far behind with respect to progress: validation. Although attempts to validate image registration methods have been made, their number and success do not match that of method development. Finding ways to evaluate method performance is a very tough problem.
The presentation will focus on ways in which registration is standardly validated, on recent developments in validation and on dilemmas encountered. Although some aspects treated are specific to image registration or medical applications, many of the material covered is generic and holds for other areas of image analysis.