Call for Papers

<Call for Papers PDF>

The 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2015) is hosted by the REGIM-Lab. and the IAPR Tunisian Society (Association S.I.T), will be held in Tunis (Tunisia) from August 23-26th, 2015.

ICDAR 2015 is sponsored by the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) and technically co-sponsored by TC-10 (Graphics Recognition)TC-11(Reading Systems)IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Region 8, and Tunisian Chapter of the IEEE Computer Society.

ICDAR is the premier international forum for researchers and practitioners in the document analysis community for identifying, encouraging and exchanging ideas on  the  state-of-the-art  technology  in  document  analysis,  understanding,  retrieval,  and  performance  evaluation.  The term  document  in  the  context  of  ICDAR  encompasses  a  broad  range  of  documents  from  historical  forms  such  as palm leaves and papyrus to traditional documents and modern multimedia documents.


  1. Character and symbol recognition

    a) Alphanumeric characters

    b) Chemical, mathematical, shorthand symbols, etc.

  2. Printed/Handwritten text recognition

    a) Language and script recognition

    b) Text linguistics

    c) On-line specific problems

  3. Graphics analysis and recognition

    a) Map, drawing, diagram analysis

    b) Logos, stamp, etc. identification/characterisation

  4. Document analysis

    a) Basic processing (binarisation, enhancement, etc.)

    b) Segmentation (line, word, character, data stream,)

    c) Printed/handwriting separation

    d) Layout structure

    e) Form, table, bank check, postal address processing

  5. Document understanding

    a) Document information extraction (spotting, entity extraction, etc.)

    b) Mathematical, chemical expressions analysis

    c) Reverse engineering

    d) Internet document processing

  6. Historical documents and digital libraries

    a) Special digitization and enhancement

    b) Multi-manuscript Collections

    c) Multi-/Hyper- Spectral images

    d) High Dynamic Range images

    e) Standards and formats

    f) Document retrieval

    g) Database generation

  7. Document based forensics

    a) Individuality of handwriting (writer identification, health related effects)

    b) Forgery detection

    c) Duplication detection

    d) Novel detection

    e) Signature analysis

  8. Camera and video based scene text analysis

    a) Text-based image retrieval

    b) Navigation aid (Street images)

    c) Sign translation

Proceedings: Registered and Presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.

Paper submissions and reviews for ICDAR’2015 will be handled through the Easy Chair conference management system. Easy Chair – ICDAR 2015

Manuscript length: 5 pages maximum. This is a strict limit for initial submission. During final submission of accepted papers, authors may purchase extra pages if they find it necessary to address the concerns of the reviewers.

Single blind reviewing: ICDAR 2015 follows a single-blind review process. Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their papers as illustrated in the sample templates. Templates (Microsoft Word and LaTeX) can be found at the following link:

As the page indicates, IEEE has recently revised their LaTeX templates. If you had previously downloaded these templates please revisit this site to access the latest version.

IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors

The IAPR requires that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that:

  • The paper is substantially original and that no paper substantially similar in content has been submitted or will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the ICDAR 2015 review period.
  • The paper does not contain any plagiarism, and
  • The paper will be presented by the author or a co-author in person.

The IAPR retains the right to eliminate any papers in violation of these requirements and to exclude the authors of such papers from future IAPR community activities.