26TH International Conference on Pattern Recognition

August 21-25, 2022 • Montréal Québec

Sponsorship and Exhibition

Partnership opportunities

What is ICPR & who should attend?

How can we bring value to your organization?

We bring together 1000+ participants from 5 continents and international speakers. This is your opportunity to connect your brand with a global, diverse and elite community.

Do you have the perfect case study to share?

A new product to launch? Perhaps you would like to position your company at the front and center of a key industry issue. Host one of our Breakout/Breakfast sessions and lead a discussion on a current topic that resonates with the attendees.

You will be joined by hundreds of your global peers at the Congress. Many of the attendees have key roles in shaping the future of their organizations by selecting their best potential business partners. You might meet your next business partner right here at the ICPR in Montreal!

You have secured your clients. Now it is time to nurture those relationships. ICPR22 offers a great place to meet your clients and ensure they feel valued and engaged. By exhibiting with us you will have a base to meet them face to face and have a meaningful conversation.

We have something for everyone with various dedicated tracks, including two major social events. Are you looking to recruit new talent? Want to compare notes with your peers and competitors? Join and meet the industry’s most exciting and influential people.

ICPR 2022 Program tracks

Track 1: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning for Pattern Analysis.

Track 2: Computer Vision and Robotic Perception

Track 3: Image, Video, Speech, and signal Analysis

Track 4: Biometrics and Human-Machine Interaction

Track 5: Document and Media Analysis

Track 6: Biomedical Image Analysis and Informatics

For partnership opportunities, please contact: