
ICDAR2019 Competitions

We are pleased to announce that the ICDAR2019 will organize a set of competitions dedicated to a large set of document analysis problems. You are cordially invited to participate to this scientific event that will be a very good opportunity to objectively compare the quality of algorithms on different categories of challenges. You will find below the different categories of competitions, and the URL of their respective website, that will allow you to get all the required information for participating:

Category: Handwritten Historical Document Layout Recognition

Category: Historical Handwritten Script Analysis

Category: Document Recognition (Layout analysis & Text Recognition)

Category: Handwriting recognition

Category: Document Image Binarization

Category: Robust Reading

Category: Post-OCR Correction

Category: Chart Parsing

Category: Miscellaneous Competitions


For any inquiries you may have regarding the competitions, please contact the ICDAR2017 Competition Chairs (Luiz Eduarde S. Olivera and Marcus Liwicki) via:

All proposals should be submitted by electronic mail to the Competition Chairs (Luiz Oliveira and Marcus Liwicki) via: ,