Platinum Sponsor (A$10,000)
- Three (3) full conference delegate registrations inclusive of Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner.
- One (1) Complimentary Trestle Table with Poster Walling
- Promotional brochure (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure) to be inserted in the satchel (sponsor to supply material)
- A 10-minute presentation to present your company during the “Industry Session”
- Additional space to demonstrate your solution(s)
- Recognition as Platinum Sponsor on printed Conference materials
- Recognition as Platinum Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsors’ page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
Gold Sponsor (A$7,000)
- Two (2) full conference delegate registrations inclusive of Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner.
- One (1) Complimentary Trestle Table with Poster Walling
- Promotional brochure (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure) to be inserted in the satchel (sponsor to supply material)
- Recognition as Gold Sponsor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as Gold Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
Silver Sponsor (A$4,000)
- One (1) full conference delegate registration inclusive of Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner
- Promotional brochure (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure) to be inserted in the satchel (sponsor to supply material)
- Recognition as Silver Sponsor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as Silver Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
- to your company on the conference website
Bronze Sponsor (A$2,500)
- One (1) full conference delegate registration inclusive of Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner.
- Recognition as Bronze Sponsor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as Bronze Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities for consideration
Welcome Reception Sponsor (A$5,000)
- Four (4) complimentary passes for nominated guests to attend the Welcome Reception only.
- The Sponsor may provide one (1) 2m x 1m freestanding banner, positioned at the entrance to the Welcome Reception for the duration of the event.
- Recognition as a Sponsor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as a Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
Conference Dinner Sponsor ($7,500)
- Five (5) Complimentary Tickets for Sponsor representatives to attend Conference Dinner.
- Sponsor will receive a premium reserved table for 10, all guest must be ticket holders for the dinner.
- The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will be positioned at the entrance to the Conference Dinner venue (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide)
- Small table signs featuring the organisation name and logo displayed on the tables at the Conference Dinner (Conference Managers to supply)
- Opportunity for organisation representative to present a five (5) minute speech at the function (basic audio visual will be provided – additional audio visual is at the expense of the sponsor)
- Organisation logo will be printed on all dinner programs/menu and tickets
- Recognition as a Sponsor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as a Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
Conference Satchel Sponsor (A$4,000)
- Logo to appear on the satchel alongside the ICDAR 2019 logo. The Organising Committee reserves the right to source and select the satchel.
- Promotional brochure (maximum four x A4 pages per brochure) to be inserted in the satchel (sponsor to supply material) Note: inserts must be approved by the Organising Committee
- Recognition as a Sponsor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as a Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
Conference Lanyard/Name Badge Sponsor (A$4,000)
- Logo to appear on all name badges and/or lanyard alongside the ICDAR 2019 logo
- Recognition as a Sponsor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as a Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
Conference Pocket Program Book Sponsor (A$3,500)
- Full page advertising space on the outside back cover of the Conference Pocket Program (artwork to be supplied by sponsor)
- Logo printed on the cover of the Conference Pocket Program alongside the conference logo
- Recognition as a Sponsor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as a Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
Conference Wi-Fi Sponsor (A$3,000)
- Logo placement on all Conference Wi-fi signage, including at the Registration Desk
- Customised Wi-Fi Name and Password relating to your Organisation
- Recognition as a Sponsor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as a Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
Stationary Sponsor Notepad & Pen (A$1,500 each OR A$3,000 combined)
Notepad Sponsor
- Notepads provided by the sponsor will be included in the satchel
- Notepads to be available at the back of the session rooms
Pen Sponsor
- Pens provided by the sponsor will be included in the satchel
- Pens to be available at the back of the session rooms
Entitlements for Stationary Sponsorship Individual/Combines
- Recognition as a Sponsor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as a Sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page.
- Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board/signage situated onsite at the conference
Advertising Opportunities
Satchel Insert (A$700)
Program Book (From A$500 – A$1,000)
Half Page – A$500
Full Page – A$750
Double Spread – A$1,000
Trestle Table Package (A$2,000)
Each Trestle Table Display package includes the following:
- Trestle table display space, includes:
- One (1) trestle table
- Two (2) chairs
- Two exhibitor passes
- A comprehensive exhibition manual
- Recognition as an Exhibitor on printed conference materials
- Recognition as an Exhibitor (with organisation logo) on the sponsor’s page of the official conference website, including hyperlink to the organisation’s home page. to your company on the conference website.