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The 9th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics
June 13-16, 2016. Halmstad, Sweden

Technical sponsors
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Hosted by

Social Program

Monday, June 13: Welcome Reception

  • 17:30 – Welcome by Halland County Governor & Tour: Halmstad Castle
  • 19:30 – Dinner: Scandic Hallandia Hotel

Wednesday, June 15: Gala Dinner

  • 19:15 – Bus pick-up at city center
  • 19:45 – Arrival: Restaurang Salt

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Detail of points of interest Points of interest wrt conference venue

Monday, June 13: Welcome Reception

17:30 – Welcome by Halland County Governor & Tour: Halmstad Castle

  • Address: Aschebergsgatan 1, 302 42 Halmstad
Halmstad Castle

19:30 – Dinner: Scandic Hallandia Hotel

  • Address: Rådhusgatan 4, 302 43 Halmstad

Wednesday, June 15: Gala Dinner

19:15 – Bus pick-up at city center

  • Pick-up address: Slottsgatan 2, 302 38 Halmstad

Slottsgatan - Google Maps.png
Pick-up at the city center

19:45 – Arrival: Restaurang Salt

  • Address: Tylöudden 1:1, 302 70 Halmstad
GPS Latitude: 56.674375 | Longitude: 12.857788
  • Buses from the city center: line 30 destination “Tylösand” (leaves every 30 min, travel time approx. 25 min, plus walking to the restaurant)
  • You can also order a taxi at +46 35-21 80 00 (approx. cost from 350SEK each way)

Map of gala dinner restaurant area

Restaurang Salt

Restaurang Salt

Center for Applied Intelligent Systems Research (IS-Lab/CAISR), School of Information Technology, Halmstad University, Sweden