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The 9th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics
June 13-16, 2016. Halmstad, Sweden

Technical sponsors
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Hosted by

Industry/Demo Track

The ICB 2016 organizing committee is seeking proposal for the “Industry/Demo” track that will be held in conjunction with ICB 2016 in Halmstad, Sweden. This session is being held to foster greater collaboration and communication between industry stakeholders and academic researchers as well as providing opportunity for them to showcase the latest solutions. This session will be highly interactive, allowing all ICB 2016 attendees to interact closely with the presenters. Presenters accepted into this track will be afforded a two-minute oral spotlight presentation, followed by a poster session presentations and technology demonstration during the session. We are encouraging industry and demo presenters to focus on problems that are in demand by industry clients and customers or targeted solution to solve requirements by government agencies.

Application Process

If you wish to apply to the Industry/Demo track, please email to with the subject heading “ICB 2016 Industry/Demo track submission”. Please attach the following information: (i) a one page white paper summarizing the proposed presentation or demo, (ii) no more than one page company or organization profile which mentions products, services or research that closely align with the ICB call for papers, and (iii) biography of the presenter(s). Accepted applicants will need to register for the ICB conference. We also invite industry delegates already registered to consider applying to this event.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for applications submission: May 13, 2016.
  • Notification of acceptance: May 16, 2016.
  • Demo/poster session: June 16, 2016.

Center for Applied Intelligent Systems Research (IS-Lab/CAISR), School of Information Technology, Halmstad University, Sweden