Edition |
Venue |
Date |
Proceedings |
Special Issues of selected papers |
15th DGCI |
Montréal, Québec (Canada) |
September 30 - October 2, 2009 |
LNCS 5810 Brlek, Srečko; Reutenauer, Christophe; Provençal, Xavier (Eds.) ISBN 978-3-642-04396-3 |
in progress
14th DGCI |
Lyon, France |
April 16-18, 2008 |
LNCS 4992 David Coeurjolly, Isabelle Sivignon, Laure
Tougne, Florent Dupont (Eds.) ISBN 978-3-540-79125-6 |
Pattern Recognition 42
Computer &
13th DGCI |
Szeged, Hungary |
October 25-27, 2006 |
LNCS 4245 Kuba, Attila; Nyúl, László G.; Palágyi,
Kálmán (Eds.) ISBN: 978-3-540-47651-1 | Discrete Applied Mathematics 157
12th DGCI | Poitiers, France | April 11-13,
2005 | LNCS 3429 Andres, Eric; Damiand, Guillaume; Lienhardt,
Pascal (Eds.) ISBN: 3-540-25513-3 | Image and Vision Computing 25 Computer &
11th DGCI | Naples, Italy | November 19-21, 2003 | LNCS 2886 Nyström, Ingela; Sanniti di Baja, Gabriella;
Svensson, Stina (Eds.) ISBN: 3-540-20499-7 | Discrete Applied Mathematics 147
10th DGCI | Bordeaux, France | April 3-5,
2002 | LNCS 2301 Braquelaire, Achille; Lachaud,
Jacques-Olivier; Vialard, Anne (Eds.) ISBN: 3-540-43380-5 | Graphical Models
Pattern Recognition Letters 25-5
9th DGCI | Uppsala, Sweden | December 13-15, 2000 | LNCS 1953 Borgefors, Gunilla; Nyström, Ingela; Sanniti
di Baja, Gabriella (Eds.) ISBN: 3-540-41396-0 | Pattern Recognition Letters 23-6
8th DGCI | Noisy-le-Grand, France | March 17-19, 1999 |
LNCS 1568 Bertrand, Gilles; Couprie, Michel; Perroton,
Laurent (Eds.) ISBN: 3-540-65685-5
7th DGCI | Montpellier, France | December 3-5, 1997 |
LNCS 1347 Ahronovitz, Ehoud; Fiorio, Christophe (Eds.) ISBN: 3-540-63884-9
6th DGCI |
Lyon, France | November 13-15, 1996 |
LNCS 1176 Miguet, Serge; Montanvert, Annick; Ubeda, Stephane (Eds.) ISBN: 3-540-62005-2
5th DGCI | Clermont-Ferrand, France |
September 25-27, 1995
4th DGCI | Grenoble, France | September 19-20, 1996
3rd DGCI | Starsbourg, France | September 20-21, 1993
2nd DGCI |
Grenoble, France | September 17-18, 1992
1st DGCI |
Strasbourg, France | September 26-27, 1991 |