Camera-ready versions of the accepted papers are due on Friday 5 February 2021. This is a strict deadline.
The papers should be in LNCS format and should abide to the strict page limit of 10 pages, including references. Do not abuse the LNCS format by modifying the page size parameters, line spacing or font size. Ensure that the figures and their labelling are clear and readable. Ideally, figures should be created so as to minimise the amount of information lost when rendered in black and white.
Please note that these are strict constraints: papers longer than the limit or not conforming to the LNCS format will not be included in the proceedings. Please familiarise yourself with the LNCS author guidelines accessible here.
When preparing your camera-ready paper for the proceedings, please take the reviewers comments into consideration, as well as any useful feedback you may have received during the online discussion sessions.
You will need to prepare the following files for your camera-ready submission:
- A zipped file containing all your LaTeX sources OR a Word file in the RTF format (LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates are both available here)
- A PDF version of your camera-ready paper
- A completed, scanned, and signed copy of the Copyright form (an initial copy of the LNCS copyright form, with the editors and conference name pre-filled, can be accessed here)
Please email 1) the zipped (or Word) file, 2) the PDF of the camera-ready, and 3) the PDF of the scanned Copyright form to with subject “[ID] camera ready”, where you should substitute “ID” with your paper number.
Note that once the camera-ready due date has passed, the publisher will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers.