Authors are invited to submit papers addressing any topic in statistical, structural or syntactic pattern recognition and their applications. The scope of the paper includes:
SPR Topics | SSPR Topics |
Classification; Prediction | Structural Matching |
Gaussian Processes; Randomized Algorithms | Structural Complexity |
Multiple Classifiers; Ensemble Methods | Syntactic Pattern Recognition |
Model Selection; Feature Selection | Graph-theoretic Methods |
Dimensionality Reduction | Graphical Models |
Dissimilarity Representations | Structural Kernels |
Metric Learning; Representation Learning | Spectral Methods |
Multiple Instance Learning | Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition |
Clustering | Structured Text Analysis |
Semi-Supervised Learning; Weakly-supervised Learning | Stochastic Structural Models |
Active Learning; Novelty Detection | Intelligent Sensing Systems |
Deep Learning; Neural Networks | Multimedia Analysis |
Adversarial Learning; Reinforcement Learning | Multimedia Retrieval |
Transfer Learning; Domain Adaptation | Image Document Analysis |
Data Complexity; Data Modeling | Image Understanding |
Security of Machine Learning | Shape Analysis |