Monday, 07 September 2020 | ||||
Time | Event | |||
San Francisco | Berlin (CEST) | Tokyo | ||
05:00-08:30 | 14:00-17:30 | 21:00-00:30 |
Why would you study handwriting? Dominique Stutzmann (CNRS, France) Irene Ceccherini (Univ. of Florence, Italy) |
Tuesday, 08 September 2020 | ||||
Time | Event | |||
San Francisco | Berlin (CEST) | Tokyo | ||
05:00-05:20 | 14:00-14:20 | 21:00-21:20 | Opening Ceremony | |
05:20-06:15 | 14:20-15:15 | 21:20-22:15 | Keynote Speech 1
Thomas Deselaers Online Handwriting Recognition and Beyond |
06:15-06:50 | 15:15-15:50 | 22:15-22:50 |
Oral Session 1
Machine Learning 1 |
06:50-07:00 | 15:50-16:00 | 22:50-23:00 | Break | |
07:00-07:50 | 16:00-16:50 | 23:00-23:50 |
Oral Session 2
Document Processing and Retrieval |
07:50-08:00 | 16:50-17:00 | 23:50-00:00 | Break | |
08:00-08:40 | 17:00-17:40 | 00:00-00:40 |
Oral Session 3
Historical Documents |
08:40-09:00 | 17:40-18:00 | 00:40-01:00 | TC-11 Session | |
Wednesday, 09 September 2020 | ||||
Time | Event | |||
San Francisco | Berlin (CEST) | Tokyo | ||
05:00-05:40 | 14:00-14:40 | 21:00-21:40 | Keynote Speech 2
Alicia Fornés Recognition of handwritten textual and graphical documents in the deep learning era |
05:40-06:00 | 14:40-15:00 | 21:40-22:00 | Break | |
06:00-06:50 | 15:00-15:50 | 22:00-22:50 |
Oral Session 4
Text Recognition and Authentication |
06:50-07:00 | 15:50-16:00 | 22:50-23:00 | Break | |
07:00-07:40 | 16:00-16:40 | 23:00-23:40 |
Oral Session 5
Machine Learning 2 |
07:40-08:00 | 16:40-17:00 | 23:40-00:00 | Break | |
08:00-08:40 | 17:00-17:40 | 00:00-00:40 | Panel Discussion | |
Thursday, 10 September 2020 | ||||
Time | Event | |||
San Francisco | Berlin (CEST) | Tokyo | ||
05:00-05:50 | 14:00-14:50 | 21:00-21:50 | Competitions Parallel Sessions |
Virtual Sponsor’s Booth (Wacom) |
05:50-06:00 | 14:50-15:00 | 21:50-22:00 | Break | |
06:00-06:40 | 15:00-15:40 | 22:00-22:40 |
Keynote Speech 3 Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra Computational Document Analysis: New and Open Questions from a Pragmatic Perspective |
06:40-07:00 | 15:40-16:00 | 22:40-23:00 | Break | |
07:00-07:40 | 16:00-16:40 | 23:00-23:40 |
Oral Session 6
Mathematics and Music Recognition |
07:40-08:00 | 16:40-17:00 | 23:40-00:00 | Break | |
08:00-08:40 | 17:00-17:40 | 00:00-00:40 | Awards and Closing |
Oral Session-1: Machine Learning 1
Tuesday, 08 September 2020
San Francisco: 06:15-06:50 /
Berlin (CEST): 15:15-15:50 /
Tokyo: 22:15-22:50
SRR-GAN: Super-Resolution based Recognition with GAN for Low-Resolved Text Images
- Ming-Chao Xu, Fei Yin and Cheng-Lin Liu
Air-Writing Recognition using Deep Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Network Architectures
- Grigoris Bastas, Kosmas Kritsis and Vassilis Katsouros
Improving the robustness of LSTMs for word classification using stressed word endings in dual-state word-beam search
- Mahya Ameryan and Lambert Schomaker
Recurrence-free unconstrained handwritten text recognition using gated fully convolutional network
- Denis Coquenet, Clément Chatelain and Thierry Paquet
Improving offline HTR in small datasets by purging unreliable labels
- José Carlos Aradillas, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes and Pablo M. Olmos
Oral Session-2: Document Processing and Retrieval
Tuesday, 08 September 2020
San Francisco: 07:00-07:50 /
Berlin (CEST): 16:00-16:50 /
Tokyo: 23:00-23:50
Joint Layout Analysis, Character Detection and Recognition for Historical Document Digitization
- Weihong Ma, Hesuo Zhang, Lianwen Jin, Sihang Wu, Jiapeng Wang and Yongpan Wang
Skeletal Similarity based Structural Performance Evaluation for Document Binarization
- Augusto Cesar Monteiro Silva, Xiaoyi Jiang and Nina Hirata
Towards Query-by-eXpression Retrieval of Cuneiform Signs
- Eugen Rusakov, Gernot A. Fink, Turna Somel and Gerfrid G. W. Müller
Bootstrapping Weakly Supervised Segmentation-free Word Spotting through HMM-based Alignment
- Tomas Wilkinson and Carl Nettelblad
Identifying and Tackling Key Challenges in Semantic Word Spotting
- Oliver Tüselmann, Fabian Wolf and Gernot A. Fink
Improving Handwritten Word Synthesis for Annotation-free Word Spotting
- Fabian Wolf, Kai Brandenbusch and Gernot A. Fink
Oral Session-3: Historical Documents
Tuesday, 08 September 2020
San Francisco: 08:00-08:40 /
Berlin (CEST): 17:00-17:40 /
Tokyo: 00:00-00:40
The “ScribbleLens” Dutch Historical Handwriting Corpus
- Hans Dolfing, Jerome Bellegarda, Jan Chorowski, Ricard Marxer and Antoine Laurent
Data Augmentation and Text Recognition on Khmer Historical Manuscripts
- Dona Valy, Michel Verleysen and Sophea Chhun
A comparison of sequential and combined approaches for named entity recognition in a corpus of handwritten medieval charters
- Christopher Kermorvant, Emanuela Boros, Veronica Romero, Martin Maarand, Kateřina Zenklová, Jitka Křečková, Enrique Vidal and Dominique Stutzmann
The Carabela Project and Manuscript Collection: Large-Scale Probabilistic Indexing and Content-based Classification
- Carlos Alonso, Jose Miguel Benedí, Vicente Bosch Campos, Francisco Casacuberta, Carmen García,
- Lourdes Márquez Carmona, M. Carmen Orcero, Moisés Pastor, Jose Ramon Prieto, Lorenzo Quirós, Verónica Romero,
- Joan Andreu Sanchez, Alejandro Toselli and Enrique Vidal
docExtractor: An off-the-shelf historical document element extraction
- Tom Monnier and Mathieu Aubry
Recognizing Japanese Historical Cursive with Pseudo-Labeling-aided CRNN as an Application of Semi-Supervised Learning to Sequence Labeling
- Ayumu Nagai
Oral Session-4: Text Recognition and Authentication
Wednesday, 09 September 2020
San Francisco: 06:00-06:50 /
Berlin (CEST): 15:00-15:50 /
Tokyo: 22:00-22:50
Handwriting Prediction Considering Inter-Class Bifurcation Structures
- Masaki Yamagata, Hideaki Hayashi and Seiichi Uchida
What is the Reward for Handwriting? — Handwriting Generation by Imitation Learning
- Keisuke Kanda, Brian Kenji Iwana and Seiichi Uchida
Dynamic Handwriting Analysis for Parkinson’s Disease Identification using C-BiGRU Model
- Momina Moetesum, Imran Siddiqi, Farah Javed and Uzma Masroor
A Deep Learning Framework with Histogram Features for Online Writer Identification
- Sounak Ray, Addrish Roy and Suresh Sundaram
A Semantic Segmentation-based Method for Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition
- Kha Cong Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen and Masaki Nakagawa
A Study of BPE-based Language Modeling for Open Vocabulary Latin Language OCR
- Wenping Hu, Yikang Luo, Ji Meng, Zifei Qian and Qiang Huo
Oral Session-5: Machine Learning 2
Wednesday, 09 September 2020
San Francisco: 07:00-07:40 /
Berlin (CEST): 16:00-16:40 /
Tokyo: 23:00-23:40
Distilling Content from Style for Handwritten Word Recognition
- Lei Kang, Pau Riba, Marçal Rusiñol, Alicia Fornés and Mauricio Villegas
Two Semi-Supervised Training Approaches for Automated Text Recognition
- Gundram Leifert, Roger Labahn and Joan Andreu Sánchez
Improving Handwritten OCR with Augmented Text Line Images Synthesized from Online Handwriting Samples by Style-Conditioned GAN
- Mingyang Guan, Haisong Ding, Kai Chen and Qiang Huo
Weakly Supervised Learning for Over-Segmentation Based Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
- Zhen-Xing Wang, Qiu-Feng Wang, Fei Yin and Cheng-Lin Liu
Attention Augmented Convolutional Recurrent Network for Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition
- Nam Tuan Ly, Cuong Tuan Nguyen and Masaki Nakagawa
An attention based method for offline handwritten Urdu text recognition
- Tayaba Anjum and Nazar Amin Khan
Oral Session-6: Mathematics and Music Recognition
Thursday, 10 September 2020
San Francisco: 07:00-07:40 /
Berlin (CEST): 16:00-16:40 /
Tokyo: 23:00-23:40
Improving Attention-Based Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Scale Augmentation and Drop Attention
- Zhe Li, Lianwen Jin, Songxuan Lai and Yecheng Zhu
Improvement of end-to-end offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition by weakly supervised learning
- Thanh-Nghia Truong, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Khanh Minh Phan and Masaki Nakagawa
Lyrics Recognition and Syllable Assignment of Medieval Music Manuscripts
- Christoph Wick, Alexander Hartelt and Frank Puppe
Exploring the two-dimensional nature of music notation for score recognition with end-to-end approaches
- Antonio Ríos, Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza and Jose M. Iñesta
Handwritten Music Recognition Improvement through Language Model Re-interpretation for Mensural Notation
- Manuel Villarreal and Joan Andreu Sánchez
Handwritten Historical Music Recognition by Sequence-to-Sequence with Attention Mechanism
- Arnau Baró, Alicia Fornés and Carles Badal
Thursday, 10 September 2020
San Francisco: 05:00-05:50 /
Berlin (CEST): 14:00-14:50 /
Tokyo: 21:00-21:50
ICFHR 2020 Competition on Offline Recognition and Spotting of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions – OffRaSHME
- Da-Han Wang, Fei Yin, Jin-Wen Wu, Yu-Pei Yan, Zhi-Cai Huang, Gui-Yun Chen, Yao Wang and Cheng-Lin Liu
ICFHR 2020 Competition on Image Retrieval for Historical Handwritten Fragments
- Mathias Seuret, Anguelos Nicolaou, Dominique Stutzmann, Andreas Maier and Vincent Christlein
ICFHR 2020 Competition on Short answer ASsessment and Thai student SIGnature and Name COMponents Recognition and Verification (SASIGCOM 2020)
- Abhijit Das, Hemmaphan Suwanwiwat, Umapada Pal and Michael Blumenstein
The HHD Dataset
- Irina Rabaev, Berat Kurar Barakat, Alexander Churkin and Jihad El-Sana
Towards Accurate Identification and Removal of Shirorekha from Off-line Handwritten Devanagari word Documents
- Mohammad Idrees Bhat, B. Sharada, Sk Md Obaidullah and Mohammad Imran
Unsupervised Deep Learning for Handwritten Page Segmentation
- Ahmad Droby, Berat Kurar, Boraq Madi, Reem Alaasam and Jihad El-Sana
Period Classification of 3D Cuneiform Tablets with Geometric Neural Networks
- Bartosz Bogacz and Hubert Mara
Exploring the Impact of Handwriting Recognition on the Automated Scoring of Handwritten Student Answers
- Christian Gold and Torsten Zesch
Text Content Based Layout Analysis
- José Ramón Prieto Fontcuberta, Vicente Bosch Campos, Enrique Vidal, Dominique Stutzmann and Sébastien Hamel
Collection of Online and Offline Handwritten Japanese Characters and Handwriting Classification Using the Data
- Yoko Seki
Integrating Writing Dynamics in CNN for Online Children Handwriting Recognition
- Simon Corbillé, Elisa Fromont, Éric Anquetil and Pauline Nerdeux
Spatio-temporal Clustering for Grouping in Online Handwriting Document Layout Analysis with GRU-RNN
- Serhii Polotskyi, Illya Degtyarenko, Ivan Deriuga and Olga Radyvonenko
Point-to-Set Similarity Based Deep Metric Learning for Offline Signature Verification
- Yecheng Zhu, Songxuan Lai, Zhe Li and Lianwen Jin
Attention Combination of Sequence Models for Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
- Zheng-Yu Zhu, Fei Yin and Da-Han Wang
Digitizing Handwriting with a Sensor Pen: A Writer-Independent Recognizer
- Mohamad Wehbi, Tim Hamann, Jens Barth and Bjoern Eskofier
Robust Handwriting Recognition with Limited and Noisy Data
- Hai Pham, Amrith Setlur, Saket Dingliwal, Kang Huang, Tzu-Hsiang Lin, Zhuo Li, Jae Lim, Collin McCormack, Tam Vu and Barnabas Poczos
A Siamese Network-based Approach For Matching Various Sizes Of Excavated Wooden Fragments
- Trung Tan Ngo, Cuong Tuan Nguyen and Masaki Nakagawa
A Modular Region and Text Line Layout Analysis System
- Benjamin Kiessling
Online Signature Verification using Time Warp Edit Distance based kernel
- Suresh Sundaram, Sarojit Auddya and Rajat Kumar Singh
Extension of a bi-dimensional grammar for online interpretation of structured documents: application on architecture plans and geometry domains
- Omar Krichen, Nathalie Girard and Éric Anquetil
Muscle activation profiles based on the proportionality hypothesis of the Kinematic Theory of Human Movements
- Ben Braithwaite, Réjean Plamondon and Mickaël Bégon
Graph Edit Distance for the analysis of children’s on-line handwritten arithmetical operations
- Arnaud Lods, Éric Anquetil and Sébastien Macé
Handwritten Chinese Characters Recognition Using Two-Stage Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Network
- Nina Aleskerova and Aleksei Zhuravlev
Unconstrained Handwritten Arabic Text-lines Segmentation based on AR2U-Net
- Takwa Ben Aicha and Afef Kacem
Online Handwritten Mathematical Symbol Segmentation and Recognition with Bidirectional Context
- Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Thanh-Nghia Truong, Huy Quang Ung and Masaki Nakagawa
Transcription Alignment for Highly Fragmentary Historical Manuscripts: The Dead Sea Scrolls
- Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, Brown-Devost Bronson, Nachum Dershowitz, Alexey Pechorin and Benjamin Kiessling
Signatures’ stability evaluation in a multi-device scenario
- Donato Impedovo, Giuseppe Pirlo and Lucia Sarcinella
Attention based Writer Independent Verification
- Mohammad Abuzar Shaikh, Mihir Chauhan, Tiehang Duan and Sargur Srihari