ICFHR 2018
The 16th International Conference on
Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition

August 5 - 8, 2018   ●   Niagara Falls, USA

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Sponsorship Information

Interested sponsors should send email to: sponsors@icfhr2018.org

Note to Potential Sponsors: By sponsoring the conference, your company will have the opportunity to be visible on the conference web pages and at the conference, where you can interact with students and researchers at the leading international venue for handwriting recognition research. Sponsorship funds will be used to cover operational costs, and to support student travel awards (if possible). Below are the sponsorship levels, and their associated benefits.

$1,000    Bronze    Logo on web site, and in proceedings + printed materials
$3,000    Silver    + Table in lobby, 1 attendee registration
$5,000    Gold    + Table in lobby, 2 attendee registrations
$10,000    Platinum    + Table in lobby, 3 attendee registrations
       + Presentation at conference Banquet
We are also planning to hold a Discussion Panel on the third day of the conference; if someone from your organization may be interested in sitting on the panel, please let us know.

ICFHR 2018
August 5-8, 2018
Niagara Falls (USA)