ICFHR 2018
The 16th International Conference on
Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition

August 5 - 8, 2018   ●   Niagara Falls, USA

-Home -Register -Dates -Travel -Organization -Program

-Registration Fees      -Online Registration    -Camera-Ready Submission


June 15, 2018   Early registration deadline (reduced rate)
June 22, 2018   Camera-ready papers due
July 31, 2018   Late registration deadline

- Registration Fees -

Registration fees include: tutorials on Aug. 5, the main conference (Aug. 6-8), the Welcome Reception at Top-of-the-Falls on the evening of Aug. 5, the conference Banquet, and lunch each day of the main conference (Aug. 6-8).

  IAPR Member Non-Member Student
Early $625 $675 $400
Late $675 $725 $450
Onsite $750 $800 $500

- Online Registration -

  1. **Authors should review the [ Instructions for Presenters ] before registering.
  2. If you require a letter in support of a visa application, contact the Local Organization Chairs ASAP (org-chairs@icfhr2018.org).
  3. IAPR Member Registration requires submission of the IAPR member society that you are a member of and your membership ID.
  4. Student Registration
    • All papers must be associated with at least one full registration. Paper(s) associated only with a student registration will not be included in the conference proceedings. So, please make sure that you or one of your co-authors has a full registration (IAPR Member or Non-member).
    • Students must submit a copy of a valid student ID (a 'student card') that certifies their full-time student status via email to register@icfhr2018.org after completing a Student registration through the portal.
  5. Registration for ICFHR 2018 is through the RegOnline portal at: https://www.regonline.com/icfhr2018.

- Camera-Ready Paper Submission Instructions -

Authors of accepted papers should submit their final, camera-ready papers by 22nd June 2018, via the Conference Publishing Services ICFHR 2018 Author Submission Site. Up to two additional pages may be purchased, at a rate of $100 per page.

Please follow the directions provided by CPS on this site to ensure that the submission of your final camera-ready paper is completed successfully.

Please Note: After July 31st, registration must be done 'onsite,' through contacting the Local Arrangements Chairs (see Contact page).

ICFHR 2018
August 5-8, 2018
Niagara Falls (USA)