ICFHR 2018
The 16th International Conference on
Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition

August 5 - 8, 2018   ●   Niagara Falls, USA

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ICFHR 2018 Call for Papers

The International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR) brings together experts in handwriting recognition from academia and industry to share their experiences and promote research and development in all aspects of handwriting recognition and handwriting applications.

Topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:
  • Handwriting Recognition
  • Cursive Script Recognition
  • Symbol, Equation, Sketch and Drawing Recognition
  • Handwritten Document Processing and Understanding
  • Language Models in Handwriting Recognition
  • Web-Based Applications
  • Handwritten Databases and Digital Libraries
  • Information Extraction & Retrieval
  • Document Characterization
  • Form Processing
  • Word Spotting
  • Bank-Check Processing
  • Historical Document Processing
  • Forensic Studies and Security Issues
  • Writer Verification and Identification
  • Performance Enhancement and System Evaluation
  • Electronic Ink and Pen-Based Systems
  • Other Offline and Online Applications

Authors are invited to submit full-length papers of not more than six (6) pages. Papers must describe original work, and paper reviews will be double blind. Instructions for paper submission will be available on the ICFHR 2018 web site (icfhr2018.org).

Important Dates: Authors must provide an abstract one week before submission of the final paper (see below).

March 2, 2018   Paper abstract submission
March 9, 2018   Full paper submission
May 25, 2018   Author notifications
June 22, 2018   Camera-ready papers due
August 5-8, 2018   ICFHR Conference

For more information, please contact:    pc@icfhr2018.org

ICFHR 2018
August 5-8, 2018
Niagara Falls (USA)