Instructions for Camera Ready Paper Submission
Please use the following templates to prepare your camera ready version:
1. REQUIREMENT to submit a properly formatted PDF version of the paper to CMT by March 23, 2015, and submit an IEEE Copyright Transfer form to by March 21, 2015.
Only PDF files are acceptable. These files must be less than 10MB in length. The CMT site used for review also will be used to collect the camera ready copies of papers to publish. The process for submitting final copies of papers is as follows:
- If you have used the ICB manuscript template, make sure to uncomment the line starting with: %\icbfinalcopy
- Use the IEEE's PDF eXpress validator to check compliance of your manuscript. PDF eXpress can validate PDF files you submit, and it can also convert source documents (MS-Word, WordPerfect, RTF, LaTeX, etc.) to PDF files for you. The conversion feature does not always succeed.
- Go to the site
- Create an account for yourself by following the link "New Users Click Here". The conference ID is 34152x.
- Use the site's facilities to validate your document.
- In our experience, 90% of the failed validations are due to font embedding issues. If your validation fails, make sure that embeddable fonts are used exclusively, including the captions and text of figures and tables. If you Google "pdf express problem" you will find lots of advice on how to fix validation problems.
- You cannot skip the validation step. IEEE will revalidate every file we submit for inclusion in IEEE Xplore, and will not fix or ingest files that fail validation. If it's not ingested, it is not archival.
- The validation step does not enter your final paper into CMT; so do not stop once you have a validated file.
- Once your paper has been validated by PDF eXpress, click this link to generate IEEE Copyright File. Please perform the following steps:
- First, fill up the form then press "COPYRIGHT SUBMISSION" button. Next, go through the dialog to generate a copyright form. The copyright file will be sent to your email as an attachment (i.e., CopyrightReceipt.pdf). You may also download the file directly.
- Then send the copyright file to with subject "IEEE Copyright for Paper ID XXX".
- Next, go to CMT site and login to your ICB 2015 CMT account. Choose the "Author" role if necessary. Your paper listing(s) will appear.
- Then click "Edit" in the "Camera-Ready|Presentations" column and enter the wizard for final paper submission. Use the "Next" button to proceed through the pages of the wizard (or use the navigation links on the left).
- Check and update the paper title and abstract if they have changed since your original submission.
- Check and update the list and order of authors to match your final paper exactly. We will generate the program from CMT's records so it is your responsibility to ensure that the title, authors, and order of authors matches the paper.
- Upload your PDF file that has been validated by PDF eXpress. You must explicitly agree to the Additional Questions in order for your final paper to be placed in CMT. Complete the submission on the Confirmation page.
2. A paper can be up to 8 pages - the 7th and 8th pages will incur a cost of 3,300 THB per page.
3. REQUIREMENT to register for the meeting by March 23, 2015, attend the meeting, and present your work.
In November 2008, IEEE authorized conference organizers to withhold papers from IEEE Xplore if an author does not attend the meeting and present the paper. We continue to enforce this policy. You should recall checking a box agreeing to this requirement at the time of your original submission.
The benefit to an author of a conference paper is the placement of that paper in the archival literature, where it accumulates citations and contributes to the reputation of the authors. Publication is a privilege and carries obligations. For a conference, the obligations are to attend the meeting and to present the work. Papers that are accepted by the conference after peer review but are not presented at the meeting will not be published. Distribution at the meeting is not considered publication.
- An author of each accepted paper must register for the conference by March 23, 2015. The registration page is here.
- Papers accepted for the meeting must be presented by one of the authors, and at least one of the authors must register for the meeting at the author rate.
- A registration at the Author Rate will cover only 1 paper.
- If no authors attend the meeting to present their work, the paper will be withdrawn from the proceedings and from IEEE Xplore.
- Authors may not delegate presentation of their paper to a non-author in attendance.
- Submitted papers may not be accepted by or under review for publication in any other venue.