Keynote Speakers
Maria-Jose Jimenez
Title of talk: On topological analysis of cells organization in biological images
Dr. Maria-Jose Jimenez is associate professor at the department of Applied Mathematics (I) of Universidad de Sevilla, where she teaches at the Computer Engineering School. Member of the Andalusian research group Combinatorial Image Analysis, she has been working on several projects related to topological and combinatorial analysis of digital images. She was a member of the international Research Network on Applied and Computational Algebraic Topology, ACAT, 2011-15, that was funded by the European Science Foundation. She is interested in geometric and topological models for representing n-dimensional digital data, as well as applications of computational topology to datasets of different nature. Now, she is involved in a Spanish research project called Advances in Computational Topology and Applications, with a special focus on the applicability to biological images. In that sense, she has been collaborating lately with the Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS) and with a pharmacological research company.
She is also interested in science popularization, being her main contribution the participation to the project Scientific Women: Past, Present & Future, whose aim is to visualize female role models in the world of science and technology.
Jesús Angulo
Title of talk: Some open questions on morphological operators and representations in the deep learning era
Dr. Jesús Angulo was born in Cuenca, Spain, in 1975. He received a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnical University of Valencia, Spain, in 1999, with a Master Thesis on Image and Video Processing. He obtained his PhD in Mathematical Morphology and Image Processing in 2003 from the Ecole des Mines de Paris (France) under the guidance of Prof. Jean Serra. He got his Habilitation degree (French HDR) from the Université Paris-Est in 2012. He is currently senior research scientist (Directeur de Recherche) at the Center for Mathematical Morphology, in charge of the Ph.D. studies and head of the Department of Mathematics and Systems at MINES ParisTech, PSL Université Paris. He has contributed to more than 50 journal papers, 120 international conferences and 1 patent.
His research interests are in the areas of
- Mathematical morphology: filtering; segmentation; shape and texture analysis; stochastic, geometric and PDE approaches; theory of Riemannian and ultrametric morphological operators.
- Max-plus and max-min mathematics.
- Interaction between machine learning and structured data/image processing: kernel-based machine learning approaches; Interaction between neural networks, deep learning and mathematical morphology.
- Non-conventional imaging: ranging from hyperspectral images to images with values in non-Euclidean spaces, such as the sphere or the cone of symmetric positive-definite matrices or the probability simplex.
- Application to the development of theoretically-sound and high-performance algorithms and software in the fields of Biomedicine/Biotechnology, Remote Sensing and Radar, Material Science and Industrial Vision.
Cecilia Holmgren
Title of talk: Split trees — A unifying model for many important random trees of logarithmic height
Docent Cecilia Holmgren is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics at Uppsala University Sweden, where she leads an active research group in the intersection of probability theory and combinatorics, specifically random graphs/trees, in which field she and Uppsala University have a world-leading position. She has received several recognitions; e.g., a Swedish Foundation fellowship, the Edlundska prize from the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Göran Gustafsson prize for young researchers, and project grants from the Swedish Research Council, Ragnar Söderbergs Foundation and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
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Important dates
Full paper submission deadline: Nov 16 Nov 27
Preliminary author notification: Jan 15 Jan 20
Rebuttal deadline: Jan 25 Feb 1
Author notification: Feb 15
Camera ready deadline: Feb 26 March 8
Early bird registration deadline: April 27
Conference dates: May 24-27
Arranged by
Centre for Image Analysis
Uppsala University