Instructions for DAS2020 paper presentation (for orals, posters, and short papers). Please follow the instructions when preparing the presentation.

Instructions for online meeting platform

DAS2020 will be held using the online meeting platform Zoom Meetings. If you have not installed Zoom on your computer or laptop, please install it. In DAS, each oral/keynote session or a poster/short paper will be assigned a Zoom meeting room. The authors could enter the Zoom meeting room according to the room number. The meeting room numbers will be announced in due time.


Instructions for oral presentations

In DAS2020, every oral paper MUST be presented by one author online. Each talk is allocated 15 minutes, following with a 5-minutes Q&A. During the presentation, the presenter should share the personal screen to show the slides.The slides used for presentation MUST be in a 16:9 aspect ratio. The presenter is encouraged to enter the virtual room 10 minutes before the presentation.


Instructions for poster and short paper presentations

In DAS2020, every poster and short paper MUST be presented by at least one author online. DAS2020 will provide a separate virtual room for each poster and short paper. Every presentation should prepare a one-page slide, which gives a brief description of your paper. During the presentation, the presenter should share the personal screen to show the one-paper slide. The slide used for presentation MUST be in a 16:9 aspect ratio. The presenter is encouraged to enter the virtual room 10 minutes before the presentation.


Instructions for trying out the virtual room

DAS2020 will provide the virtual room on July 25, 2020 (19:00-22:00 Beijing Time, 12:00-15:00 London Time, 7:00-10:00 New York Time), presenters can enter the virtual room and try the presentation during that time, volunteers will give the necessary help.


  • -Note that the paper will be removed from the proceedings if the paper cannot be presented by any author.
  • -If you have any presentation-related questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at our e-mail addresses: