The 2nd edition of the IAPR-sponsored workshop on Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) was organized in Italy by a bunch of people from the University of Pisa, with the precious help of a number of colleagues from abroad. The General co-Chairmen were Prof. Fulvio Gini (University of Pisa) and Prof. Sergios Theodoridis (University of Athens). The Technical Program Co-Chairs were Dr. Maria Sabrina Greco (University of Pisa) and Prof. Merouane Debbah (SUPELEC, France). CIP 2010 was sponsored by the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). It also had the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society and the IEEE Signal Processing Society. CIP 2010 took place in Italy, on the beautiful Tuscan island of Elba, at the Grand Hotel Elba International, which dominates the Bay of Naregno. It aimed at bringing together researchers from the machine learning, pattern recognition, statistical signal processing, communications, and radar communities in an effort to promote and encourage cross-fertilization of ideas and tools. The workshop featured keynote addresses and technical presentations, invited (oral and poster) and regular (poster), all of which have been included in the workshop proceedings. The technical program spanned from learning theory to collaborative sensing techniques, from cognitive radio to cognitive radar. The workshop enjoyed six distinguished talks given by world-wide known researchers and six special sessions (five oral and one poster) organized by top-quality researchers. We are indebted to all the special session organizers for their outstanding contributions. The list of plenary talks and special sessions, and related information, are reported at: Response to the call for papers was quite interesting, also taking into account the time overlap with various other related workshops (ICML, ICA, EEGLAB, CrownCom, MIKON, IRS, SPW, FUNEMS, N++ Event, SPAWC). We received 112 submissions from 31 countries, 35 were invited papers and 77 regular papers. All the papers were evaluated by a review process in which we obtained on the average 5.2 reviews per paper. The Technical Program Committee finally selected 83 papers for presentation, including 34 invited papers and 49 regular papers, plus 38 student papers. The acceptance rate for regular papers was about 63%. The number of attendees was 120. The invited papers were organized in five special oral sessions and one poster special session, covering the most innovative research fields related to cognitive information processing. All of the regular papers were scheduled for poster presentation. CIP 2010 hosted a Student Paper Competition. The 38 student papers were evaluated and ranked, based on the relevance of the topic, the quality of the technical content, the style of writing, and the originality. Various prizes and 10 travel grants for the best student papers were presented during the conference banquet. CIP 2010 was certainly an enjoyable and productive gathering and the organized social events guaranteed to the attendees the possibility to experience the wonderful panorama of the Elba Island. |
Workshop Report: CIP 2010 |
Report prepared by the General Co-chairs |
CIP 2010 General Co-chair Prof. Sergios Theodoridis (left) with Prof. Abdelhak Zoubir, |
Keynote Speakers
Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK IAPR DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER Third Generation Machine Intelligence
University of Bristol, UK IAPR DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER Modelling and Design of Cognitive Behaviour
SELEX-SI, Italy IET-ITALY DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER Situation Awareness for Homeland Security: from KBS to Cognitive System Technology
University of Minnesota, USA EURASIP FELLOW DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER Distributed and Sequential Sensing of Spatio-temporal Spectra for Cognitive Radios
University of Pisa, Italy Perpetual Motion Machines, the Cramer-Rao Bound
AFRL Sensors Directorate, Rome Research Site, Rome, NY, USA Spectrum Crowding and Cognitive Radar