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Book Reviews Published in the IAPR Newsletter


Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks

by B.D. Ripley

(reviewed in this issue)


Close Range Photogrammetry:  Principles, Methods, and Applications

by Luhmann, Robson, Kyle, and Harley

Oct ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Classification and Learning Using Genetic Algorithms: Applications in Bioinformatics and Web Intelligence

by Bandyopadhyay and Pal

Oct ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Learning Theory: An Approximation Theory Viewpoint

by Cucker and Zhou

Oct ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Character Recognition Systems—A Guide for Students and Practitioners

by Cheriet, Kharma, Liu, and Suen

Oct ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Geometry of Locally Finite Spaces

by Kovalevsky

Oct ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition

by Marinai and  Fujisawa (Editors)

Oct ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


From Gestalt Theory to Image Analysis—A Probabilistic Approach

By Desolneux, Moisan, and Morel

Oct ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Numerical Recipes:  The art of scientific computing, 3rd ed.

by Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery

Jul ‘08   [html]    [pdf]


Feature Extraction and Image Processing, 2nd ed.

by Nixon and Aguado

Jul ‘08   [html]    [pdf]


Digital Watermarking and Steganography:Fundamentals and Techniques

by Shih

Jul ‘08   [html]    [pdf]


Springer Handbook of Speech Processing

by Benesty, Sondhi, and Huang, eds.

Jul ‘08   [html]    [pdf]


Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java

by Burger and Burge

Jul ‘08   [html]    [pdf]


Bézier and Splines in Image Processing and Machine Vision

by Biswas and Lovell

Jul ‘08   [html]    [pdf]


Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis, 2 ed.

by  O’Gorman, Sammon and Seul

Apr ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


The Dissimilarity Representation for Pattern Recognition:  Foundations and Applications

by Pekalska and Duin

Apr ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Handbook of Biometrics

by Jain, Flynn, and Ross (Editors)

Apr ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Advances in Biometrics –

Sensors, Algorithms, and Systems

by Ratha and Govindaraju, (Editors)

Apr ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Dynamic Vision for Perception and Control of Motion

by Dickmanns

Jan ‘08  [html]    [pdf]



by Polanski and Kimmel

Jan ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Introduction to clustering large and high-dimensional data

by Kogan

Jan ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


The Text Mining Handbook

by Feldman and Sanger

Jan ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Information Theory, Inference,

and Learning Algorithms

by Makay

Jan ‘08  [html]    [pdf]


Geometric Tomography

by Gardner

Oct ‘07  [html]    [pdf]


“Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision”

Curless, Van Gool, and Szeliski., Editors

Oct ‘07  [html]    [pdf]


Applied Combinatorics on Words

by M. Lothaire

Jul ‘07   [html]    [pdf]



Human Identification Based on Gait

by Nixon, Tan and Chellappar

Apr ‘07  [html]    [pdf]


Mathematics of Digital Images

by Stuart Hogan

Apr ‘07  [html]    [pdf]


Advances in Image and Video Segmentation

Zhang, Editor

Jan ‘07 [html]    [pdf]


Graph-Theoretic Techniques for Web Content Mining

by Schenker, Bunke, Last and Kandel

Jan ‘07 [html]    [pdf]


Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision

by Paragios, Chen, and Faugeras (Editors)

Oct ‘06  [html]    [pdf]


The Geometry of Information Retrieval

by van Rijsbergen

Oct ‘06  [html]    [pdf]


Biometric Inverse Problems

by Yanushkevich, Stoica, Shmerko and Popel

Oct ‘06  [html]    [pdf]


Correlation Pattern Recognition

by Kumar, Mahalanobis, and Juday

Jul. ‘06  [html]    [pdf]


Pattern Recognition 3rd Edition

by Theodoridis and Koutroumbas

Apr. ‘06             [html]    [pdf]


Dictionary of Computer Vision and

Image Processing

by R.B. Fisher, et. Al

Jan. ‘06             [html]    [pdf]


Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis

by Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini

Oct. ‘05             [html]    [pdf]


Machine Vision Books

Jul. ‘05  [html]    [pdf]


CVonline:  an overview

Apr. ‘05             [html]    [pdf]


The Guide to Biometrics by Bolle, et al

Jan. ‘05             [html]    [pdf]


Pattern Recognition Books

Jul. ‘04               [pdf]