You can find the program of IJCB 2021 at . There is an “(L)” or “(S)” before a paper title to indicate whether the presentation is a long oral presentation or a short one. We will have no poster presentations in IJCB 2021.
A long presentation will be 15 minutes long, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A. A short oral presentation will be 5 minutes long, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.
Since the conference is online and attendees are in different time zones, the authors will have to create and send the organzier a pre-recorded video of their presentation. Further, for the attendees to obtain a summary of your work, a 60-second highlight video is also needed.
To facilitate this, the authors should kindly complete the following by July 23, 2021:
- Record a 60-second highlight video to introduce your work.
- Record either a 15-minute presentation video for long oral papers or a 5-minute presentation video for short oral papers.
- Rename your 60-second highlight video as XXXX-highlight.mp4 (XXXX is your paper ID).
- Rename your presentation video as XXXX-15min.mp4 or XXXX-5min.mp4.
- The recommended resolution is 1920 × 1080, and the recommended file format is MP4. The maximum file size is 350MB.
- Upload them to CMT at Author Console → Actions → Edit Camera Ready Submission → Files. Please remember to click the “Save changes” button after the two video files are uploaded. (Note: By the way, if you had uploaded a supplementary PDF file, please remove it before uploading the videos. The proceedings will only contain your camera ready paper.)
- In summary, there should be 3 files there: XXXX.pdf, XXXX-highlight.mp4 and XXXX-15min.mp4 (or XXXX-5min.mp4). You must not modify your XXXX.pdf file since the camera-ready file is already being processed for publication. The presentation videos will be played during the assigned sessions (more details below).
You can attend the conference online by visiting You can also attend using the Whova App on your mobile phone. The app can be downloaded at . You will receive a notification email from Whova with login information. Note that all presenters will follow the same procedure for attending the event. If you are a presenter and have not registered yet, please do it ASAP.
IMPORTANT: The email ID that you use to access the conference via Whova must match the email ID that you had provided when registering for the conference.
To present your work during the conference, you need to install Zoom and click the link in Whova to join the online Zoom meeting.
- During your session, the session chair or a conference volunteer will play your presentation video.
- After the presentation (15 minutes for long orals, 5 minutes for short orals), you will have 5 minutes to answer questions from attendees. The session chair will collect questions from the Chat room of Whova for you to answer. Some attendees may ask questions directly in Zoom. You are also encouraged to join the discussion of your paper before and after your presentation in the Chat room of Whova.