Dec 8-11: |
Main conference |
Dec 7: |
Tutorials and workshops |
Dec 5: |
Deadline for online registration |
Sep 8: |
Deadline for early registration |
Aug 8: |
Camera ready papers and author registration |
Jul 5: |
Tutorials acceptance notification |
Jun 30: |
Notification of paper acceptance |
May 15: |
Deadline for tutorial proposal submission |
Apr 15: |
Deadline for paper submission |
The following workshops will be held on December 7, 2008 in Tampa:
The First International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia ProcessingWorkshop Chairs:
- Xiaoyi Jiang, Germany
- Matthew Ma, USA
- Chang Wen Chen, USA
International Workshop on "Sensing Web"
Workshop Chairs:
- Michihiko Minoh, Kyoto University, Japan
- Tsuneo Ajisaka, Wakayama University, Japan
- Noboru Babaguchi, Osaka University, Japan
The 5th IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing
Workshop Chairs:
- Selim Aksoy, Bilkent University, Turkey
- Nicolas H. Younan, Mississippi State University, USA
- David A. Clausi, University of Waterloo, Canada
Visual observation and analysis of animal and insect behavior
Workshop Chairs:
- R. Fisher University of Edinburgh
- J. Hallam University of South Denmark
- Y. Xiao University of Edinburgh
The following workshop will be held in Orlando, Florida which is approximately 125 kilometers from Tampa:
Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR 2008) and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR 2008)
Workshop Chairs:
- Michael Georgiopoulos, University of Central Florida, USA
- Georgios Anagnostopoulos, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
To see detailed information about a particular workshop click on the corresponding title.
Call for Workshop Proposals
ICPR Secretariat,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
4202 E.Fowler Ave, ENB118,
Tampa, FL 33620, USA
email: secretary@icpr2008.org