Oral Presentations


Oral presenters will have 20 minutes for their presentations (approximately 16 minutes for the talk, and 4 minutes for questions).  Please make sure you introduce yourself to the session chair at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of your session.



Posters Presentations


Poster board should be printed in Portrait mode, 42 inches wide by 48 inches tall.  They will be pinned to  free standing board 45 inches wide by 96 inches tall.  You will be expected to display and present your poster during the assigned sessions.  If you have more than one poster in a given session, please make arrangements to have someone else present your second poster because logistics prevent us from moving posters around.



Poster Printing Service


We have arranged for a printing service to print and deliver your posters to the venue.  The cost will be $55 for a rolled paper version of your poster.  The registration site will allow you to log back in and pay for up to 6 posters. Please submit posters via email to: posters@icdar2013.org


Poster Size:  42in wide x 48in tall

Deadline:  August 11th, 2013

Price: $55.00 each

For questions regarding the poster printing service, please contact the ICDAR 2013 Secretariat: icdar2013@icdar2013.org